Data (Synchronization Burst)

To open the Data node, click Data in the . The figure below shows the Data node.

The timeslots shown below are set to show available timeslot types, not to show a typical test configuration.

Data (Synchronized Burst)

Tail Bits (3+3 bits)

Encrypted Bits (39+39 bits)

Extended Training Sequence (64 bits)

Guard Period (n bits)

Change Data Values Button

Click to display a drop-down menu in which you can from one timeslot to another.

Data Node Parameters

Use the Data window to define the bits in the bursts. The cells displayed in the Data section are determined by the burst type (Timeslot Type) for the selected timeslot as defined in the Timeslots window. In the window shown above, Timeslot 3 is selected so the data cells provided are for setting up a Synchronization Burst.

Synchronization Burst Bits

Tail bits

Tail Bits (3+3 bits)

Tail bits are set by the software at 000. This setting is not editable.

Encrypted Bits

Choice: PN9 | PN15 | User Defined Bits

Default: PN9

Click the Details button in this cell to open the window.

Select Import, Export, Insert PN9, Insert PN15 or User Defined Bits to use for the encrypted bits.

Extended Training Sequence

Choice: PN9 |PN15 | User Defined Bits

Default: X "B962040F2D45761B"

Enter 64 bits to use as the extended training sequence bits.

Guard Period

The guard period bits are set by the software. This setting is not editable.