Data BCH (Non-Combined and Combined)

This topic provides a comprehensive listing and descriptions of the Data node settings for the combined and non-combined BCH timeslot types. The SCPI commands available for setting the BCH data are limited to the following settings:

Use the following links to navigate to and view the available settings:


CCCH Contents


Show Graph


CCCH State


Hide Graph


CCCH Tail Bits

FCCH Contents


CCCH Encrypted Bits


FCCH State


CCCH Stealing Flags (1 + 1 bits) (1 bit entry)


FCCH Tail Bits


CCCH Training Sequence


FCCH Fixed Bits


CCCH Guard Period (9 bits)


FCCH Guard Period (9 bits)

SDCCH/4 Contents

SCH Contents


SDCCH/4 State


SCH State

SACCH/4 Contents


SCH Tail Bits


SACCH/4 State


SCH Encrypted Bits




SCH PLMN Color Code




SCH BTS Color Code




SCH Extended Training Sequence




SCH Guard Period (9 bits)



BCCH Contents




BCCH State




BCCH Tail Bits




BCCH Encrypted Bits




BCCH Cell Identity




BCCH Mobile Country Code




BCCH Mobile Network Code




BCCH Location Area Code




BCCH Stealing Flags (1 + 1 bits) (1 bit entry)




BCCH Training Sequence




BCCH Guard Period (9 bits)




Click the button to display the current BCH timeslot type channel structure: ClosedNon-Combined or ClosedCombined. The structures display attributes such as channel state and data type. The displayed data types update when a different data selection is made. After clicking this button, the button name changes to Hide Graph

Click the button to hide the structure (graph). After clicking this button, the button name changes to Show Graph.

Non-Combined BCH Structure

Combined BCH Structure

FCCH Contents

The software sets all of the FCCH parameters, so there are no user FCCH settings.

FCCH State

Displays the FCCH state set by the software, which is always set to On.

FCCH Tail Bits

Displays the tail bits set by the software, which is always 000+000.

FCCH Fixed Bits

Displays the Fixed bits of the Frequency Correction Burst set by the software.

FCCH Guard Period (9 bits)

The guard period bits are set by the software, so this cell is not editable.

SCH Contents

SCH State

Displays the SCH state set by the software, which is always set to On.

SCH Tail Bits

Displays the tail bits set by the software, which is always 000+000.

SCH Encrypted Bits

Choices: STD | PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN20 | PN23 | Custom Bit Pattern | User File

Default: STD

Set the encrypted bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

SCH PLMN Color Code

Range: 0–7

Default: 0

Set the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) value, which is used to indicate the country where the phone is located. PLMN is also referred to as the National Country Code (NCC).



SCH BTS Color Code

Range: 0–7

Default: 0

Set the BTS color code value. This value sets the broadcast control code (BCC) which is used to indicate what training sequence is being used by the basestation in the forward channels. If the BTS color code is 0, then TSC0 should be used in BCCH and CCCH; if BTS color code is 1, then TSC1 should be used in BCCH and CCCH. This code allows the mobile station to decode the other channels in the broadcast channel.

The software does not couple the BTS color code and TSC parameters, so it is important to verify that there is no conflict between these parameters.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0:NORMal:ENCRyption:BCH:BCC <val>


SCH Extended Training Sequence

Default: B962040F2D45761B

Set the extended training sequence bits (64-bits) by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

SCH Guard Period (9 bits)

The software sets the guard period bits per the 3GPP standards.

BCCH Contents

BCCH State

Displays the BCCH state set by the software, which is always set to On.

BCCH Tail Bits

Displays the tail bits set by the software, which is always 000+000.

BCCH Encrypted Bits

Choices: STD | PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN20 | PN23 | Custom Bit Pattern | User File

Default: STD

Set the encrypted bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

BCCH Cell Identity

Range: 0–65535

Default: 0

Set the cell identity, which is used to identify a cell within a location area.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0:NORMal:ENCRyption:BCH:CELLid <val>


BCCH Mobile Country Code

Range: 0–4095

Default: 0

Enter a mobile country code (MCC) value, which is a 12-bit binary number used to represent the country where the basestation is located.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0:NORMal:ENCRyption:BCH:MCC <val>


BCCH Mobile Network Code

Range: 0–255

Default: 0

Enter a mobile network code (MNC) value, which is the individual number a network is assigned.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0:NORMal:ENCRyption:BCH:MNC <val>


BCCH Location Area Code

Range: 0–65535

Default: 0

Enter a value to set the he location area code (LAC). The location area code provides 16 bits to allow the

administrator to define a location.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SLOT0:NORMal:ENCRyption:BCH:LAC <val>


BCCH Stealing Flags ( 1+ 1 bits) (1 bit entry)

Stealing Flag for BCCH. It is always 1. This setting is not editable.

BCCH Training Sequence

Choices: TSC0 | TSC1 | TSC2 | TSC3| TSC4 | TSC5 | TSC6 | TSC7 | Custom

Default: TSC0

Set the training sequence bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box. To follow the 3GPP standards, the training sequence should align with the SCH BTS Color Code.

The software does not couple the BTS color code and TSC parameters, so it is important to verify that there is no conflict between these parameters.

BCCH Guard Period (9 bits)

The software sets the guard period bits per the 3GPP standards.

CCCH Contents

CCCH State

Displays the CCCH state set by the software, which is always set to On.

CCCH Tail Bits

Displays the tail bits set by the software, which is always 000+000.

CCCH Encrypted Bits

Choices: PN9 | PN11 | PN15 | PN20 | PN23 | Custom Bit Pattern | User File

Default: PN9

Set the encrypted bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

CCCH Stealing Flags (1 + 1 bits) (1 bit entry)

Stealing Flag for CCCH. It is always 1. This setting is not editable.

CCCH Training Sequence

Choices: TSC0 | TSC1 | TSC2 | TSC3| TSC4 | TSC5 | TSC6 | TSC7 | Custom

Default: TSC0

Set the training sequence bits by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box. To follow the 3GPP standards, the training sequence should align with the SCH BTS Color Code.

The software does not couple the BTS color code and TSC parameters, so it is important to verify that there is no conflict between these parameters.

CCCH Guard Period (9 bits)

The software sets the guard period bits per the 3GPP standards.

SDCCH/4 Contents

SDCCH/4 State

This setting applies only to the Combined BCH Timeslot Type. It shows Dummy Burst as the state, which means that a dummy burst is always transmitted for the SDCCH/4.

SACCH/4 Contents

SACCH/4 State

This setting applies only to the Combined BCH Timeslot Type. It shows Dummy Burst as the state, which means that a dummy burst is always transmitted for the SACCH/4.