Real Time


Use this topic to view the descriptions and SCPI commands for the Continuous node settings. To view the dialog box used with one of the settings, go to Dialog Boxes.

The Continuous node is available only when Continuous is the Data Format selection in the GSM/EDGE node.

Use the following links to navigate to and view the available settings:

Pattern Data

Modulation Type

Data Offset

Pattern Data

Set the pattern type by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Data Setup dialog box.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:DATA PN9|PN11|PN15|PN20|PN23|PATTern|"<file name>"|EXT


If PATTern is the choice, use the following command to create the data pattern:

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:DATA:PATTern "<bit_string>"


Modulation Type

Choices: GMSK | 8PSK and 3PI/8 rotation

Default: GMSK

Double click the cell, or click in the cell and use the drop-down menu to select the modulation type:

  •     GMSK

use this choice for a GSM signal

  •     8PSK and 3PI/8 rotation

use this choice for an EDGE signal



Data Offset

Range: 0–32767 symbols

Default: 0

Highlight the current value and enter a new number within the range.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:DATA:OFFSet <val>