Real Time


Click Licenses in the tree view to display the window shown below.

Feature Index (#)

Displays the licensed feature's index number.


Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the operating state of the selected feature.

The State cell turns red if a feature is set to On and a valid license is not available.

If you set the state to Off for a licensed feature that is used in the current setup, a window appears that enables you to save the current setup before continuing.


Displays the model number of the licensed feature.


Displays a description of the licensed feature.

Instrument License

Displays the status of the selected license on the connected instrument.

When a new instrument connection is established or the hardware configuration is changed, the instrument licenses are automatically retrieved from the connected instrument. If the connected instrument does not have the correct licensing for the current waveform setup, initial settings are restored. You are prompted to save the setup parameters before continuing.

Carrier Name

Displays the name of the carrier associated with the selected feature.


Displays the status of the carrier.

Required Feature n

Displays the name of the feature required for the selected carrier.
