Use this drop-down menu to select a modulation type from several supported formats. A single data segment using that modulation type appears in the segment list below. Click the cell in the Constellation column to open the Constellation Setting window, providing a graphical display and editing features (video). Quick setups enable you to configure complex signals for signal generation, equivalent to 89600B VSA setups in signal analysis.
DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X quick setups also add a PLHEADER segment before the data segment, as defined in the standard.
Quick Setups IQ Settings
Standard |
Modulation |
Symbol Rate |
Filter |
DVB-S2 |
1.0 Msps |
RNYQ (0.5) |
8PSK |
16APSK |
4+12APSK 2/3, 4+12APSK 3/4, 4+12APSK 4/5, 4+12APSK 5/6, 4+12APSK 8/9, 4+12APSK 9/10 |
32APSK |
4+12+16APSK 3/4, 4+12+16APSK 4/5, 4+12+16APSK 5/6, 4+12+16APSK 8/9, 4+12+16APSK 9/10 |
1.0 Msps |
RNYQ (0.5) |
8PSK |
2+4+2APSK 100/180, 2+4+2APSK 104/180 |
16APSK |
4+12APSK Normal 26/45; 4+12APSK Normal 3/5; 4+12APSK Normal 28/45; 4+12APSK Normal 23/36; 4+12APSK Normal 25/36; 4+12APSK Normal 13/18; 4+12APSK Normal 140/180; 4+12APSK Normal 154/180; 4+12APSK Short 7/15; 4+12APSK Short 8/15; 4+12APSK Short 26/45; 4+12APSK Short 3/5; 4+12APSK Short 32/45; 8+8APSK Normal 90/180, 96/180, 100/180; 8+8APSK Normal 18/30; 8+8APSK Normal 20/30 |
32APSK |
4+12+16APSK Normal 2/3, 4+12+16APSK Short 2/3, 4+12+16APSK Short 32/45, 4+8+4+16APSK 128/180, 4+8+4+16APSK 132/180, 4+8+4+16APSK 140/180 |
64APSK |
16+16+16+16APSK 128/180, 8+16+20+20APSK 7/9, 8+16+20+20APSK 4/5, 8+16+20+20APSK 5/6, 4+12+20+28APSK 132/180, |
128APSK |
128APSK 135/180, 128APSK 140/180 |
256APSK |
256APSK 116/180, 256APSK 124/180, 256APSK 128/180, 256APSK 135/180, 256APSK 20/30, 256APSK 22/30 |
APCO25 |
C4FM |
4FSK (0.6 kHz, 1.8 kHz, -0.6 kHz, -1.8 kHz) |
4.8 ksps |
NYQ (0.2) + 1/Sinc |
Pi/4 DQPSK |
4.8 ksps |
4FSK (1 kHz, 3 kHz, -1 kHz, -3 kHz) |
6 ksps |
Pi/4 DQPSK |
6 ksps |
Pi/4 DQPSK |
18 ksps |
RNYQ (0.35) |
4800 bps |
4FSK (0.35 kHz, 1.05 kHz, -0.35 kHz, -1.05 kHz) |
2.4 ksps |
RNYQ (0.2) + Sinc |
9600 bps |
4FSK (0.8 kHz, 2.4 kHz, -0.8 kHz, 2.4 kHz) |
4.8 ksps |
RNYQ (0.2) + Sinc |
dPMR |
4FSK (0.35 kHz, 1.05 kHz, -0.35 kHz, -1.05 kHz) |
2.4 ksps |
RNYQ (0.2) |
2FSK (-288 kHz, 288 kHz) |
1.152 Msps |
Gaussian (0.5) |
4FSK (0.648 kHz, 1.944 kHz, -0.648 kHz, -1.944 kHz) |
4.8 ksps |
RNYQ (0.2) |
T98/T61* |
Pi/4 DQPSK |
9.6 ksps |
RNYQ (0.2) |
T102 |
4FSK (0.33 kHz, 0.99 kHz, -0.33 kHz, -0.99 kHz) |
4.8 ksps |
ARIB T102 RNYQ (0.2) + Gaussian (0.769) |
Zigbee |
600 ksps |
NYQ (1) |
1 Msps |
Half Sine |
WiSUN (802.15.4g) |
2FSK 50/1 |
2FSK (-25 kHz, 25 kHz) |
50 ksps |
Gaussian (0.5) |
2FSK 100/0.5 |
2FSK (-25 kHz, 25 kHz) |
100 ksps |
Gaussian (0.5) |
ITU-T G.9959 |
R2 |
2FSK (-20 kHz, 20 kHz) |
40 ksps |
Rectangle |
R3 |
2FSK (-29 kHz, 29 kHz) |
100 ksps |
Gaussian (0.6) |
802.15.3d |
CES: pi/2 BPSK Frame Header: pi/2 BPSK Payload: 64QAM |
25.92 Gsps |
RNYQ (0.25) |
* For APCO25 CQPSK and ARIB T98/T61, the ALC is set to off to achieve better EVM. For all other cases, the ALC is on.
Payload, Idle Interval, Ramp Symbols, and Number of Symbols will be set to default values.
This feature saves the Custom IQ configuration as an 89600B VSA setup file, making it easier to configure complex constellations, such as 256APSK.
VSA software must be version 18.0 or later to support Custom IQ demodulation. If there is more than one data segment configured in the list, they will be saved as VSA setup file with FlexFrame measurement, which was supported from VSA2022 release. Idle segments cannot be saved to the setup file.
Differential and offset modulation types (e.g. pi/4 DQPSK or OQPSK) are found under DigitalDemod on the VSA.
The VSA does not support the APCO25 HDQPSK filter.
FSK configurations are found under DigitalDemod on the VSA.
The VSA does not support ARIB T102 and NXDN filters.
For added convenience, you can save the VSA setup as a quick setup in the VSA's Custom IQ Demod Property window. To do this, recall the Signal Studio VSA setup file, perform the measurement, and then click
. Now, whenever you click , you will find your previously saved setup listed among the other setups provided with the VSA software. Using this method, you no longer need to recall the Signal Studio VSA setup file each time you want to perform a measurement.Choices: ASK & PSK & QAM | FSK | SOQPSK | ARTM Multi-h CPM | Analog Modulation | Radar | Channel Sounding
Default: ASK & PSK & QAM
Select the type of Custom IQ.
Choices: 2-FSK | 4-FSK | 8-FSK | 16-FSK | 32-FSK | 64-FSK | MSK
Default: 2-FSK
Selects the FSK type.
Range: 0 - SymbolRate * 10 (Max 4GHz)
Default: 1 MHz
Sets the FSK deviation reference.
Range: 1 ksps - 4 Gsps
Default: 1 Msps
Sets the symbol rate of the FSK signal.
Choices: Gaussian | Root Nyquist | Nyquist | Rectangle | APCO25 C4FM | APCO25 HCPM | ARIB T 102 | NXDN | User Defined
Default: Rectangle
Selects the FSK filter type.
Range: 1 - 2048
Default: 32
Sets the length of the filter in symbols.
Range: 0.01 to 1.0
Default: 0.5
Sets the alpha factor of the Root Nyquist or Nyquist filter.
Range: 0.1 to 1.0
Default: 0.5
Sets the BT product of the Gaussian filter.
Opens a Filter Editor window where you can import, export, and edit filter coefficients. A convenient plot of the filter's impulse response is displayed and updates as coefficients are changed. Imported and exported coefficient files are in text (*.txt) or comma-separated values (*.csv) format.
Choices: PN9 | PN15 | PN23 | Custom Bit Pattern | User File
Default: PN9
Opens the Data Setup editor to configure payload bits.You can also load, save, and create custom bit patterns.
PN Seed is in hexadecimal format and is applicable only to PN types (PN9, PN15, and PN23).
Offset is in decimal format and is applicable to all data types (including PN9, PN15, PN23, custom pattern, and user file).
PN Seed and Offset require license version 2024.0801 or later.
Range: 100 to 8388608
Default: 1000
Sets the length of the FSK symbols.
Range: 0 - 200 ms
Default: 0 us
Sets the idle interval in-between FSK frames in seconds. When the idle interval is set to zero, a continuous waveform will be generated.
Range: 0 - 20
Default: 0
Sets the number of ramp symbols for burst signal (Idle Interval is not zero).
Resets Frequency Deviation Value to default value in the table below.
Displays the FSK symbol.
Range: -FSK Deviation Reference - FSK Deviation Reference
Set the FSK deviation value for each FSK symbol.
Range: -100 - 100
Set the FSK deviation by percentage for each FSK symbol.