Basic Single Satellite Waveform

Click GNSS node, and specify Basic Single Satellite Waveform for Capability cell.

Keysight Signal Studio for GNSS will display the following Toolbar Functions and Parameters.

Toolbar Functions




1. Capability


2. General

Waveform Name



Frequency Channel

Dynamic Pattern

Dynamic Pattern Type

Initial Relative Range

Initial Relative Velocity

Initial Relative Acceleration

Number of Cycles

Navigation Message

Satellite Power

External Attenuation

Sample Rate

Waveform Length

Total Sample Points

3. Marker Settings

Marker1 Source

Marker2 Source

Marker4 Source


Toolbar Functions


Coupling: Visible with the Capability selection of Basic Single Satellite Waveform and Basic Multi-Satellite Waveform.

Click the ClosedGenerate icon to generate a waveform based on the Constellation and SV ID properties (SV ID does not apply to GLONASS). Alternatively click Control -> Generate to generate the waveform.


Coupling: Visible with the Capability selection of Basic Single Satellite Waveform and Basic Multi-Satellite Waveform.

Click the Closeddownload icon to download a pre-generated waveform based on the Constellation and SV ID properties (SV ID does not apply to GLONASS). Alternatively click Control and then Download to download the waveform.


1. Capability


Choice: Basic Single Satellite Waveform | Basic Multi-satellite Waveform | Advanced Real-time Signal Generation | Advanced Real-time Signal Generation Pro

Default: Advanced Real-time Signal Generation

Basic Single Satellite Waveform

Selects a pre-generated single satellite waveform file and downloads it to the instrument for playback.

Basic Multi-Satellite Waveform Selects a pre-generated multi-satellite waveform file and downloads it to the instrument for playback.

Advanced Real-time Signal Generation

Loads in a scenario file and generates a real-time GNSS signal, or provides continuous real-time scenario generation based on the Scenario Generator node settings. The Scenario Source selection determines whether to use a file or continuous real-time generation.

Advanced Real-time Signal Generation Pro

Select the capability of GNSS signal simulation. Basic mode generates and downloads user defined single satellite waveform or multi-satellite waveform to instrument for playback. Advanced mode plays real-time navigation signal based on user selected scenario file or static signal based on satellite settings. Advanced Pro mode plays real-time GPS L1+L5 navigation signal with real-time scenario generation.

Select the capability of GNSS signal simulation. Basic mode generates and downloads user defined single satellite waveform or multi-satellite waveform to instrument for playback. Advanced mode plays real-time navigation signal based on user selected scenario file or static signal based on satellite settings.

2. General

Waveform Name

Enter an alpha-numeric waveform file name. The maximum name length is 23 characters.


Choice: GPS | GLONASS | Galileo | Beidou | SBAS | QZSS

Default: GPS

Coupling: Available with Basic Single Satellite Waveform as the Capability property selection.

Select the constellation for the basic single satellite waveform.


Range: 1 to 32 for GPS, 1 to 50 for Galileo, 1 to 37 for Beidou, 120 to 138 for SBAS, 193 to 197 for QZSS

Default: 1

Coupling: Available with Basic Single Satellite Waveform as the Capability property selection and the Constellation choice being a selection other than GLONASS.

Select the SV ID for the single satellite ARB waveform in the specified constellation. This is not applicable for the GLONASS constellation. When switching between constellations, SV ID is clipped to the limit.

Frequency Channel

Range: –7 to 6

Default: 0

Coupling: Available with Basic Single Satellite Waveform as the Capability property selection and GLONASS as the constellation choice..

Select the frequency channel to transmit the GLONASS signal. This is only applicable to the GLONASS constellation. Changing frequency channel changes the Frequency under the Instrument node.

Dynamic Pattern

Click '+' on the left to expand dynamic parameters.

Set the relative dynamic pattern between the satellite and the receiver.

Dynamic Pattern Type

Choice: Static| Constant Velocity| Constant Acceleration |Sinusoidal

Default: Static

Select the dynamic pattern for single satellite waveform.

With the Capability selection of Basic Single Satellite Waveform, four types of dynamic pattern are provided to simulate the relative range between the satellite and the receiver- Static, Constant Velocity, Constant Acceleration and Sinusoidal.

Initial Relative Range

Range: 0 to 40000 km

Default: 0 m

Enter the initial relative range between the satellite and the receiver.

Initial Relative Velocity

Range: -20000 to 20000 m/s

Default: 100 m/s

Enter the initial relative velocity between the satellite and the receiver.

Initial Relative Acceleration

Range: -500 to 500 m/s2

Default: 10 m/s2

Enter the initial relative acceleration between the satellite and the receiver.

Number of Cycles

Range: 1 to 50

Default: 1

Enter the number of sinusoidal cycles in the waveform for sinusoidal dynamic pattern.

Navigation Message

To configure the navigation message, click '...' on the right side to prompt the ClosedData Setup dialog box

Satellite Power

Range: -144 dBm to 0 dBm

Default: -130 dBm

For Advanced mode

This property sets a reference power level on instrument's front panel. Power levels of all the satellites and interference tones will be relative to this reference level. It's recommended to set this value to the possible highest power level of individual satellite or interference tone across the test.

For Basic modes

This property sets the power of each satellite for equal power control; sets the power for the satellite which has the maximum power in the first record of the scenario for range-based power control.

External Attenuation

Range: 0 dB to 100 dB

Default: 0 dB

Enter the attenuation value of the external attenuator if connected to the instrument's RF port.Then the external attenuation will be compensated, which means the amplitude of the instrument output will be set to the sum of Satellite Power and external attenuation.

Sample Rate

Range: 0 to 50 MHz

Default: 4 MHz

Enter the sample rate for the single and multi-satellite waveform.

Waveform Length

Range: 0.001 to 1000 s

Default: 6s

Enter the waveform length in second.

Total Sample Points

Display the total sample points of the waveform.

3. Marker Settings

Marker1 Source

Choice: Start | Pulse per second | Pulse per millisecond

Default: Start

Set the marker1 source for single and multi-satellite waveform.

Marker2 Source

Choice: Start | Pulse per second | Pulse per millisecond

Default: Pulse per second

Set the marker2 source for single and multi-satellite waveform.

Marker4 Source

Choice: Start | Pulse per second | Pulse per millisecond

Default: Pulse per millisecond

Set the marker4 source for single and multi-satellite waveform.