Antenna Pattern

Toolbar Functions

Save Antenna

Recall Antenna


Orientation Reference

Configure Antenna Pattern

Antenna Pattern Rotation

Color Coding

Save Antenna

The Save Antenna Closedbutton on the toolbar allows you to save an already configured antenna pattern to a file. Clicking the button launches the Save As dialog box for navigating to a location and saving the file.

The Closedantenna pattern file is in *.csv format with the header in the first line like this:

Sample antenna pattern file

AGILENT_ANTENNA_PATTERN, version number, file name, elevation resolution value, azimuth resolution value, azimuth rotation value, generation date time, Agilent Technologies

The rows and columns represent the azimuth and elevation blocks, respectively. For example, the first data column represents the gain values for elevation [0° - 10°] across the whole azimuth range. The second data row represents the gain values for azimuth [30° - 60°] across the whole elevation range. Change the antenna pattern by editing the cell values.

The antenna pattern is not saved with the other scenario generation parameters using the Save button.

Recall Antenna

The Recall Antenna Closedbutton on the toolbar allows you to recall a previously saved pattern from a file. Clicking the button launches the Open dialog box for navigating to a location and selecting a file.

Orientation Reference

The compass on the top-left corner provides the orientation reference for the sky-view gain mask. The compass indicator changes, depending on which Scenario Type (static or dynamic) you select for the Scenario Generator.

Static Scenarios

For a static scenario, the gain mask configuration uses an absolute north/south/east/west (NSEW) coordinate system, in which 0 degrees azimuth indicates north. The compass indicator in the display shows ClosedNSEW for the gain mask configuration. During the scenario generation, when a satellite appears in a cell specified by an elevation/azimuth pair, its power will be attenuated by the assigned gain value.

show image

Dynamic Scenarios

For a dynamic scenario, the gain mask configuration uses a forward/backward/left/right (FBLR) system that is relative to the moving receiver, in which 0 degrees azimuth is always pointing forward. The compass indicator in the display shows ClosedFBLR for the gain mask configuration. When the receiver is in motion, the scenario generator translates the gain mask into the NSEW coordinate system by rotating the azimuth and elevation, based on the receiver's motion at each sample point. This simulates a GPS receiver mounted in a moving car with the gain mask configured to reflect some fixed attenuation from the car body. When the car changes direction, the gain mask will have a corresponding azimuth rotation. When the car climbs or goes down a slope, the gain mask will have an elevation rotation.

show image

To eliminate possible errors resulting from an imperfect NMEA message file, error checking is applied to the elevation rotation. For example, if you are using a GGA file recorded from a GPS receiver and the data was sampled at a low rate, whenever the receiver becomes stationary (no changes to longitude or latitude), the scenario generator may erroneously calculate a +/-90 degree elevation rotation. To prevent this type of error, the software does not apply elevation rotation in the following cases:

Configure Antenna Pattern

Configure the Antenna Pattern by filling the cells in the sky-view with proper gain values to form a gain mask. The gain mask for the antenna pattern is divided into cells with elevation in the radial direction and azimuth angle increasing in the clockwise direction. Configure the antenna pattern using the methods below. To accept the input values, either press Enter or click anywhere on the graphic.

Antenna Pattern Rotation

The default antenna pattern with 0° azimuth pointing to North is called the base pattern. To make the pattern rotate from the base pattern with a specified angle, change Azimuth Rotation in the Scenario Generator tab. Antenna Pattern rotation is useful for modeling receiver antenna that will change its orientation in different test environments.

The figure below shows an antenna pattern with 20° of rotation.

Color Coding

The figure and table below show the colors used for gain value ranges on the sky-view gain mask.

Gain Value Range

Cell Color

-5 dB to 0 dB


-10 dB to -5 dB


-15 dB to -10 dB


-20 dB to -15 dB


-25 dB to -20 dB


-30 dB to -25 dB


-35 dB to -30 dB


-40 dB to -35 dB


-45 dB to -40 dB


-50 dB to -45 dB


-55 dB to -50 dB


-60 dB to -55 dB

Dark Red