OFDM Basics

OFDM belongs to a family of transmission schemes called multicarrier modulation, which is based on the idea of dividing a given high-bit-rate data stream into several parallel lower bit-rate streams and modulating each stream on separate carriers-often called subcarriers, or tones. Multicarrier modulation schemes eliminate or minimize intersymbol interference (ISI) by making the symbol time large enough so that the channel-induced delays-delay spread being a good measure of this in wireless channels-are an insignificant (typically, <10 percent) fraction of the symbol duration. Therefore, in high-data-rate systems in which the symbol duration is small, being inversely proportional to the data rate, splitting the data stream into many parallel streams increases the symbol duration of each stream such that the delay spread is only a small fraction of the symbol duration.

OFDM is a spectrally efficient version of multicarrier modulation, where the subcarriers are selected such that they are all orthogonal to one another over the symbol duration, thereby avoiding the need to have nonoverlapping subcarrier channels to eliminate intercarrier interference. Choosing the first subcarrier to have a frequency such that it has an integer number of cycles in a symbol period, and setting the spacing between adjacent subcarriers (subcarrier bandwidth) to be BSC = B/L, where B is the nominal bandwidth (equal to data rate), and L is the number of subcarriers, ensures that all tones are orthogonal to one another over the symbol period. It can be shown that the OFDM signal is equivalent to the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) of the data sequence block taken L at a time. This makes it extremely easy to implement OFDM transmitters and receivers in discrete time using IFFT (inverse fast Fourier) and FFT, respectively.

In order to completely eliminate ISI, guard intervals are used between OFDM symbols. By making the guard interval larger than the expected multipath delay spread, ISI can be completely eliminated. Adding a guard interval, however, implies power wastage and a decrease in bandwidth efficiency. The amount of power wasted depends on how large a fraction of the OFDM symbol duration the guard time is. Therefore, the larger the symbol period&emdash;for a given data rate, this means more subcarriers&emdash;the smaller the loss of power and bandwidth efficiency.

The size of the FFT in an OFDM design should be chosen carefully as a balance between protection against multipath, Doppler shift, and design cost/complexity. For a given bandwidth, selecting a large FFT size would reduce the subcarrier spacing and increase the symbol time. This makes it easier to protect against multipath delay spread. A reduced subcarrier spacing, however, also makes the system more vulnerable to intercarrier interference owing to Doppler spread in mobile applications. The competing influences of delay and Doppler spread in an OFDM design require careful balancing.

OFDM Parameters in WiMAX

As mentioned previously, the fixed and mobile versions of WiMAX have slightly different implementations of the OFDM physical layer. Fixed WiMAX, which is based on IEEE 802.16-2004, uses a 256 FFT-based OFDM physical layer. Mobile WiMAX, which is based on the IEEE 802.16e-2005 standard, uses a scalable OFDMA-based physical layer. In the case of mobile WiMAX, the FFT sizes can vary from 128 bits to 2,048 bits.

Table 3 shows the OFDM-related parameters for both the OFDM-PHY and the OFDMA-PHY. The parameters are shown here for only a limited set of profiles that are likely to be deployed and do not constitute an exhaustive set of possible values.

Table 3 OFDM Parameters Used in WiMAX



Mobile WiMAX Scalable OFDMA-PHY

FFT Size






Number of used data subcarriers






Number of pilot subcarriers






Number of null/guardband subcarriers






Cyclic prefix or guard time (Tg/Tb)

1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4

Oversampling rate (Fs/BW)

Depends on bandwidth: 7/6 for 256 OFDM, 8/7 for multiples of 1.75MHz, and 28/25 for multiples of 1.25MHz, 1.5MHz, 2MHz, or 2.75MHz

Channel bandwidth (MHz)






Subcarrier frequency spacing (kHz)



Useful symbol time (μs)



Guard time assuming 12.5% (μs)



OFDM symbol duration (μs)



Number of OFDM symbols in 5 ms frame




For this version the FFT size is fixed at 256, which 192 subcarriers used for carrying data, 8 used as pilot subcarriers for channel estimation and synchronization purposes, and the rest used as guard band subcarriers. Since the FFT size is fixed, the subcarrier spacing varies with channel bandwidth. When larger bandwidths are used, the subcarrier spacing increases, and the symbol time decreases. Decreasing symbol time implies that a larger fraction needs to be allocated as guard time to overcome delay spread. As Table 3 shows, WiMAX allows a wide range of guard times that allow system designers to make appropriate trade-offs between spectral efficiency and delay spread robustness. For maximum delay spread robustness, a 25 percent guard time can be used, which can accommodate delay spreads up to 16 μs when operating in a 3.5MHz channel and up to 8 μs when operating in a 7MHz channel. In relatively benign multipath channels, the guard time overhead may be reduced to as little as 3 percent.


In Mobile WiMAX, the FFT size is scalable from 128 to 2,048. Here, when the available bandwidth increases, the FFT size is also increased such that the subcarrier spacing is always 10.94kHz. This keeps the OFDM symbol duration, which is the basic resource unit, fixed and therefore makes scaling have minimal impact on higher layers. A scalable design also keeps the costs low. The subcarrier spacing of 10.94kHz was chosen as a good balance between satisfying the delay spread and Doppler spread requirements for operating in mixed fixed and mobile environments. This subcarrier spacing can support delay-spread values up to 20 μs and vehicular mobility up to 125 kmph when operating in 3.5GHz. A subcarrier spacing of 10.94kHz implies that 128, 512, 1,024, and 2,048 FFT are used when the channel bandwidth is 1.25MHz, 5MHz, 10MHz, and 20MHz, respectively. It should, however, be noted that mobile WiMAX may also include additional bandwidth profiles. For example, a profile compatible with WiBro will use an 8.75MHz channel bandwidth and 1,024 FFT. This obviously will require a different subcarrier spacing and hence will not have the same scalability properties.

Subchannelization: OFDMA

The available subcarriers may be divided into several groups of subcarriers called subchannels. Fixed WiMAX based on OFDM-PHY allows a limited form of subchannelization in the uplink only. The standard defines 16 subchannels, where 1, 2, 4, 8, or all sets can be assigned to a subscriber station (SS) in the uplink. Uplink subchannelization in fixed WiMAX allows subscriber stations to transmit using only a fraction (as low as 1/16) of the bandwidth allocated to it by the base station, which provides link budget improvements that can be used to enhance range performance and/or improve battery life of subscriber stations. A 1/16 subchannelization factor provides a 12 dB link budget enhancement.

Mobile WiMAX based on OFDMA-PHY, however, allows subchannelization in both the uplink and the downlink, and here, subchannels form the minimum frequency resource-unit allocated by the base station. Therefore, different subchannels may be allocated to different users as a multiple-access mechanism. This type of multiaccess scheme is called orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), which gives the mobile WiMAX PHY its name.

Subchannels may be constituted using either contiguous subcarriers or subcarriers pseudorandomly distributed across the frequency spectrum. Subchannels formed using distributed subcarriers provide more frequency diversity, which is particularly useful for mobile applications. WiMAX defines several subchannelization schemes based on distributed carriers for both the uplink and the downlink. One, called partial usage of subcarriers (PUSC), is mandatory for all mobile WiMAX implementations. The initial WiMAX profiles define 15 and 17 subchannels for the downlink and the uplink, respectively, for PUSC operation in 5MHz bandwidth. For 10MHz operation, it is 30 and 35 channels, respectively.

The subchannelization scheme based on contiguous subcarriers in WiMAX is called band adaptive modulation and coding (AMC). Although frequency diversity is lost, band AMC allows system designers to exploit multiuser diversity, allocating subchannels to users based on their frequency response. Multiuser diversity can provide significant gains in overall system capacity, if the system strives to provide each user with a subchannel that maximizes its received SINR. In general, contiguous subchannels are more suited for fixed and low-mobility applications.