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3. I/Q

When an M9381A/M9383A is connected, you will see the display as below:

When an M9383B/M9384B/M9484C is connected, you will see the display as below:

Int Channel Correction

(MXG/EXG only)

Choice: On | Off

Default: Off

The internal channel correction feature corrects the 100 MHz baseband bandwidth flatness and phase for arbitrary center frequencies. This feature is off by default, as the switching speed performance of the instrument is impacted when this feature is on.

This calibration should be run when the ambient temperature has varied by at least ±5 degrees Celsius from the ambient temperature at which the previous calibration was run. For more information about this feature, refer to the Keysight X-Series Signal Generators user's guide.

RF Flatness Correction

(M9383B/M9384B/M9484C only)

Choice: On | Off

Default: On

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the internal channel correction Off or On.

IQ Adjustments

Choice: On | Off

Default: Off

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the I/Q adjustments on or off.

I Offset


N5182A: –20% to 20%

All other models: –50% to 50%



Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this parameter.

Enter a DC offset value to apply to the I signal before the I/Q modulator. Use this offset to remove imperfections in the in-phase signal or to introduce calibrated impairments.

For more information, refer to the User Guide or Key Reference for the signal generator you are using

Q Offset


N5182A: –20% to 20%

All other models: –50% to 50%



Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this parameter.

Enter a DC offset value to apply to the Q signal before the I/Q modulator. Use this offset to remove imperfections in the quadrature-phase signal or to introduce calibrated impairments.

For more information, refer to the User Guide or Key Reference for the signal generator you are using.

Gain Imbalance

(M9383B/M9384B/M9484C only)

Range: -1 dB to 1 dB

Default: 0 dB

Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this parameter.

Enter a gain ratio, by which I gain exceeds Q gain.

For example, if you enter a value of 1 dB, the I signal will have 1 dB more amplitude than the Q signal. Use the gain balance to remove imperfections in I and Q or introduce calibrated impairments.

I/Q Gain Balance


N5182A: –1 dB to 1 dB in 0.001 dB steps

All other models: –4 dB to 4 dB in 0.01 dB steps


0.00 dB

Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this parameter.

Enter a gain ratio, by which I gain exceeds Q gain.

For example, if you enter a value of 1 dB, the I signal will have 1 dB more amplitude than the Q signal. Use the gain balance to remove imperfections in I and Q or introduce calibrated impairments.

Quadrature Angle Adjustment

Range: −10 to 10 degrees

Default: 0.00 degrees

Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this parameter.

Enter a value to adjust the Q phase angle. When the quadrature skew is zero, the phase angle between the I and Q vectors is 90 degrees. Positive skew increases the angle from 90 degrees while negative skew decreases the angle from 90 degrees.

I/Q Timing Skew Path

Choice: RF | Baseband (BB)

Default: RF

Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this parameter.

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select whether the path is RF or Baseband (BB).

This parameter is not available with all instrument model numbers and may be grayed out.

I/Q Correction Optimization Path


N5172B/N5182B: RF Output | External I/Q Output | Dig Bus Output

Other Models: RF Output | External I/Q Output

Default: RF Output

Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this parameter.

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the I/Q Correction optimization path.

RF Output optimizes the RF OUT path by applying calibration factors to only this path, leaving the I/Q OUT and Digital Bus paths uncalibrated.

Note: With External as the I/Q Source selection, the signal generator automatically optimizes all paths, so no optimization path selection is needed.

Ext I/Q Output optimizes the I/Q OUT path by applying calibration factors to only this path, leaving the RF OUT and Digital Bus paths uncalibrated.

Note: With External as the I/Q Source selection, the signal generator automatically optimizes all paths, so no optimization path selection is needed.

Dig Bus Output optimizes the Digital Bus path by applying calibration factors to only this path, leaving the RF OUT and I/Q OUT paths uncalibrated.

With External as the I/Q Source selection, the signal generator automatically optimizes all paths, so no optimization path selection is needed.

I/Q Skew


N5182A: −800 ns to 800 ns, in 1 ps steps

All other models: −2.0 to 2.0 seconds, in 1 ps steps


0.0 seconds

Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this parameter.

This cell inputs skew changes to the I and Q paths, in picoseconds. A positive value delays the I signal relative to the Q signal, and a negative value delays the Q signal relative to the I signal.

I/Q Delay

Range: −1.0 to 1.0 seconds in 1 ps steps

Default: 0.0 seconds

Set I/Q Adjustments to On to enable this feature.

This cell sets the I/Q delay from triggers and markers, in picoseconds. Enter a value to change the absolute phase of both I and Q with respect to triggers and markers. A positive value delays I and Q. This value affects both the external I/Q out signals and the baseband signal modulated on the RF output. This adjustment cannot be used with constant envelope modulation and does not affect external I/Q inputs.

The limits are determined by the rate of the current format

Swap I/Q

(M9383B/M9384B/M9484C only)

Choice: On | Off

Default: Off

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to enable or disable the inverse phase rotation of the IQ signal by swapping the I and Q inputs.

Optimize Dynamic Range with OBW

(M9383B/M9384B/M9484C only)

Choice: On | Off

Default: On

Filters the system RF flatness correction coefficients over the instantaneous bandwidth indicated in the waveform header (or in the “Occupied Bandwidth” settings area under the Signal block when Waveform File is the Vector Modulation Signal Mode). This has the potential to improve EVM performance by not having to correct for flatness errors outside the requested bandwidth.