Clicking MXG, EXG, CXG, ESG, or PSG product information. For the M9381A/M9383A and M9383B/M9384B/M9484C, Real-time Noise setup is not available in the Instrument Controls list.
in the tree view displays the Instrument Settings table in the parameter view of the main window. The parameters in this section affect how the instrument outputs the waveform, but have no effect on waveform generation. You can also change these settings either from the instrument's front panel or using SCPI commands. For more detailed information on setting these parameters, seeIf you are connected to an E6640A EXM, refer to Instrument (E6640A).
When the M9381A/M9383A or the M9383B/M9384B/M9484C is connected, you will see the display as below:
to send the software parameters to the connected instrument.Click
to retrieve the parameters from the connected instrument.Click
to deactivate remote operation and return the instrument to local (front panel) control.Local is disabled with the M9381A/M9383A only.
to set the instrument to a known state, either factory-defined or user-defined.Refer to the instrument's User's Guide for information on setting a user-defined state.
Click to execute an I/Q DC Calibration to minimize errors associated with offset voltages.
DC Calibration minimizes I/Q offset errors for a single frequency only and must be repeated if the instrument's settings change.
Download a waveform to set the correct parameters for the target instrument and make this button available.
DC Cal is disabled with the M9381A/M9383A only.
Click to execute a manual power search calibration.
This is an internal calibration routine that improves output power accuracy when ALC is off. A power search is recommended for pulse-modulated signals with pulse-widths less than two microseconds.
Download a waveform to set the correct parameters for the target instrument, and set ALC to Off to make this button available.
to initiates an immediate trigger event for a function such as a list or step sweep. The trigger mode must be set to Trigger Key prior to initiating a trigger event with this button.This button is only available on instruments with a Trigger Key such as the ESG, MXG, X-Series EXG/MXG, and CXG.
in the upper right corner above the parameter configuration table, then click a parameter cell to display a brief description. The initial state is unchecked.