Below is an example of how sequence and fragment number incrementation works within N7617C Signal Studio for WLAN 2024 Update 1.0. In this example, we will set up a 12-frame transmission with three sequences of four frames each.
Configure the parameters as shown below:
This configuration will cause the Sequence Control field of the MAC header to act as shown below:
Notice that the sequence number increments and the fragment number wraps to zero every four frames.
If you disable
for this example, the sequence number will not increment, and the fragment number will increment to B hex (11 decimal). If you disable and the number of frames is greater than 16, the fragment number will increment to F hex (15 decimal) and wrap to zero.You can set the initial sequence and fragment numbers by editing the
Sequence Control field
of the MAC header. The sequence number can be set from zero to its upper
limit of FFF hex (4095 decimal). The fragment number
can be set from zero to its upper limit of F hex (15
decimal). The sequence and fragment numbers always wrap to zero, regardless
of the initial settings.