User Permissions

To install and run the N7624C software in a Windows operating environment, appropriate security permission settings are required. If you are not logged onto your PC with the required security permissions, the software displays an error message during installation and when attempting instrument connection. The following list identifies the security levels required to install and run the software.

Software Usage

Security Permissions Required

Install the software

Administrator (Administrator Group)

Run the software

Administrator (Administrator Group) or Standard User (Power User Group). Restricted User (User Group) requires an administrator to reset the permissions.

Develop application with API

Administrator (Administrator Group), Standard User (Power User Group)

Run application with API

Administrator (Administrator Group), Standard User (Power User Group). Restricted User (User Group) requires an administrator to reset the permissions.

Resetting Permissions for a Restricted User

A user with Administrator status can reset the permissions of a Restricted User to enable that user to run the software. The following steps outline the procedure.

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Signal Studio installation folder. The default directory is:

    C:\Program Files\Keysight\Signal Studio Pro\LTE-LTE-Advanced FDD 2020.0320

  2. Right click the LTE-LTE-Advanced FDD 2020.0320 installation folder.

  3. Select Properties from the popup menu.

  4. Select the Security tab.

  5. In the Group or user names list, select the user for whom you wish to change permissions.  

  6. In the Permissions for Users section, check Modify and Write in the Allow column.

  7. Click Apply > OK.