N7624C System Requirements

To generate signals using the N7624C Signal Studio Pro for LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD 2024 Update 1.0 software, you must have a properly configured PC and a properly configured instrument, as described in the following table.

Instrument Requirements



N5186A MXG vector signal generator


  • Version A.13.00 or later

N5172B EXG X-Series RF vector signal generator


  • Version B.01.70 or later

Required options:

  • N5172B-503 (9 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range)

  • N5172B-653 (internal baseband generator, 32 Msa/s, up to 60 MHz RF bandwidth)

  • N5172B-660 (upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability; required only for use with real-time LTE/LTE-A)

Recommended options:

  • N5172B-009 (internal Flash drive)

  • N5172B-1EA (high power output for PA testing)

  • N5172B-1ER (flexible reference input, 1-50 MHz)

  • N5172B-403 (calibrated AWGN for testing with noise)

  • N5172B-655 (upgrade baseband generator from 60 to 120 MHz RF bandwidth)

  • N5172B-UNV (enhanced dynamic range)

  • N5172B-UNZ (fast switching for manufacturing environments)

N5182B MXG X-Series RF vector signal generator


  • Version B.01.70 or later

Required options:

  • N5182B-503 (9 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range)

  • N5182B-656 (internal baseband generator, 32 Msa/s, up to 80 MHz RF bandwidth)

  • N5182B-660 (upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability; required only for use with real-time LTE/LTE-A)

Recommended options:

  • N5182B-009 (internal Flash drive)

  • N5182B-1EA (high power output for PA testing)

  • N5182B-1ER (flexible reference input, 1-50 MHz)

  • N5182B-1EQ (low power output for Rx testing)

  • N5182B-403 (calibrated AWGN for testing with noise)

  • N5182B-657 (upgrade baseband generator from 80 to 160 MHz RF bandwidth)

  • N5182B-UNV (enhanced dynamic range)

  • N5182B-UNZ (fast switching for manufacturing environments)

  • N5182B-X07 (7.205 GHz frequency extender)

N5166B CXG RF vector signal generator


  • Version B.01.80 or later

N5182A MXG vector signal generator 

NOTE: This instrument model is valid only when Playback License Mode is set to PC License.


  • Version A.01.10 or later

  • Version A.01.20 or later required for advanced capability

Required options:

  • N5182A-503 (100 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range)

  • N5182A-652 (60 Msa/s internal baseband generator with 8 Msa memory)

Recommended options:

  • N5182A-654 (125 Msa/s internal baseband generator with 8 Msa memory)

  • N5182A-403 (calibrated AWGN for testing with noise)

  • N5182A-UNV (enhanced dynamic range)

  • N5182A-1EA (high power output for PA testing)

  • N5182A-1EQ (low power output for Rx testing)

  • N5182A-UNZ (fast switching)

E4438C ESG vector signal generator 

NOTE: This instrument model is valid only when Playback License Mode is set to PC License.


  • Version C.05.81 or later

Required options:

  • E4438C-503 (250 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range)

  • E4438C-601 (internal baseband generator with 8 Msa memory and digital bus capability)

Recommended options:

  • E4438C-403 (calibrated AWGN for testing with noise)

E8267D PSG vector signal generator


  • Version C.06.26 or later

Required options:

  • E8267D-602 (internal baseband generator with 64 Msa memory and digital bus capability)

Use power search with ALC turned off to get accurate power.

M9381A PXIe vector signal generator (single-channel configurations)


  • Version 1.4.400.0 or later

Recommended options:

  • M9381A-M05 (memory 512 Msa)

  • M9381A-M10 (memory 1024 Msa)

  • M9381A-1EA (high output power)

  • M9381A-B10 (RF modulation bandwidth 100 MHz)

  • M9381A-B16 (RF modulation bandwidth 160 MHz)

Additional options to consider:

  • M9381A-F06 (frequency range 1 MHz to 6 GHz)


The M9381A VSG has a limitation related to the Power Search and DC Cal functions, creating a time-synchronization loss. That is, the signal timing changes after a Power Search or DC Cal. When ALC is set to Off, Signal Studio automatically runs Power Search, which affects the user's trigger signal for starting waveform playback. Even though the timing alignment of the trigger signal and waveform are properly set, the Power Search function disrupts this synchronization. In these cases, use the following workarounds:

  • Set ALC to On whenever possible. This avoids the automatic Power Search.

  • When ALC must be set to Off (or is set to Off by Signal Studio), you can re-trigger the signal by turning ARB Off, then On, and then send the trigger signal to M9381A VSG.

For DC Cal, run it before you download and play the waveform. Do not run DC Cal while the signal is playing, which disrupts the synchronization.

M9381A PXIe vector signal generator (multichannel synchronization)


  • Version or later

Required options:

  • Y1299A-001 (PXI multichannel/MIMO reference solution kit)

    • For multichannel operation, the Signal Studio software assumes the M9381A VSG follows the multichannel reference solution typical configuration, using the accompanying configuration tools. Refer to the LTE/LTE-Advanced Multi-Channel, Reference Solution Startup Guide for more information.

    • Also refer to the “Multi-Channel Reference Solution Typical Configuration” section of the M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator Configuration Guide.

Required for 8-channel configurations:

  • M9950A-1TP (Signal Studio software extension from 4 to 8 channels)

Recommended options:

  • M9381A-012 (LO sharing for phase coherency)


The M9381A VSG has a limitation related to the Power Search and DC Cal functions, creating a time-synchronization loss. That is, the signal timing changes after a Power Search or DC Cal. When ALC is set to Off, Signal Studio automatically runs Power Search, which affects the user's trigger signal for starting waveform playback. Even though the timing alignment of the trigger signal and waveform are properly set, the Power Search function disrupts this synchronization. In these cases, use the following workarounds:

  • Set ALC to On whenever possible. This avoids the automatic Power Search.

  • When ALC must be set to Off (or is set to Off by Signal Studio), you can re-trigger the signal by turning ARB Off, then On, and then send the trigger signal to M9381A VSG.

For DC Cal, run it before you download and play the waveform. Do not run DC Cal while the signal is playing, which disrupts the synchronization.

M9383B VXG-m microwave signal generator


  • Version A.02.00 or later

Recommended options:

  • M9383B-001 (add channel 1)

  • M9383B-F44 (frequency range, 1 MHz to 44 GHz)

  • M9383B-D21 (RF bandwidth, 2 GHz with 256 MSa memory for frequency options F32 and F44)

  • M9383B-M05 (baseband generator memory upgrade to 512 MSa)

M9384B VXG microwave signal generator


  • Version A.02.00 or later

Recommended options:

  • M9384B-001 (add channel 1)

  • M9384B-F44 (frequency range, 1 MHz to 44 GHz)

  • M9384B-D21 (RF bandwidth, 2 GHz with 256 MSa memory for frequency options F32 and F44)

  • M9384B-M05 (baseband generator memory upgrade to 512 MSa)

M9484C VXG signal generator


  • Version A.10.00 or later

M8190A arbitrary waveform generator


  • Version or later

Required options:

  • M8190A-002 (2 channels)

Recommended options:

  • M8190A-DUC (digital upconversion)

  • M8190A-14B (14-bit, 8-GHz max sample rate)

  • M8190A-02G (upgrade baseband generator memory from 128 Msa to 2 Gsa)

  • M8190A-AMP (5-GHz analog bandwidth)

E6640A EXM wireless test set


  • Version E.16.06 or later

Recommended options:

  • E6640A-B85 (increases signal bandwidth to 80 MHz)

  • E6640A-B1X (increases signal bandwidth to 160 MHz)

  • Y-Options (these option models, beginning with "Y," combine signal creation and measurement applications)

Additional options to consider:

  • E6640A-506 (380 MHz to 6 GHz frequency range)

  • E6640A-5WC (frequency range for wireless connectivity)

M9420A VXT PXIe vector transceiver


  • Version M.16 or later

Recommended options:

  • M9420A-1EA (high output power)

  • M9420A-B85 (increases signal bandwidth to 80 MHz)

  • M9420A-B1X (increases signal bandwidth to 160 MHz)

  • M9420A-M05 (memory 512 Msa)

Additional options to consider:

  • M9420A-506 (6 GHz frequency range)

  • M9420A-FDX (full duplex ports)

  • M9420A-HDX (half duplex ports)

M9421A VXT PXIe vector transceiver


  • Version M.16 or later

Recommended options:

  • M9421A-1EA (high output power)

  • M9421A-B85 (increases signal bandwidth to 80 MHz)

  • M9421A-B1X (increases signal bandwidth to 160 MHz)

  • M9421A-M05 (memory 512 Msa)

Additional options to consider:

  • M9421A-506 (6 GHz frequency range)

  • M9421A-HDX (half duplex ports)

Hardware Requirements for Multiple Antenna Setups (MIMO) Using ARB Capability




Solution without Baseband Timing Alignment and RF Phase Coherence

(Two signal generators driven from 10 MHz reference and the same trigger)

Two N5172B EXGs
Two N5182B MXGs

Two E4438C ESGs

N5172B EXG, N5182B MXG, and E4438C ESG:

Same requirements as single antenna (see table above)

Solution with Baseband Timing Alignment, but without RF Phase Coherence

(Two signal generators with baseband generator clock coherence, but without RF common LO)

Two N5172B EXGs

Two N5182B MXGs
Two N5182A MXGs

Two E4438C ESGs

N5172B EXG, N5182B MXG, and N5182A MXG:

Same requirements as single antenna (see table above)


E4438C ESG:

Same requirements as single antenna (see table above), plus

E4438C-HEC (provides external baseband generator clock input, which requires 200 - 400 MHz clock input signal)

One external ARB clock

Working with E4438C ESG:

N5181A with Option 501 (MXG analog signal generator, 250 KHz to 1 GHz)

Solution with Baseband Timing Alignment and RF Phase Coherence

(Two signal generators with RF common LO and baseband generator clock coherence)

Two N5172B EXGs
Two N5182B MXGs
Two N5182A MXGs


Two E4438C ESGs

N5172B EXG, N5182B MXG, and N5182A MXG:

Same requirements as single antenna (see table above), plus N5182A-012 (LO IN/OUT for phase coherency)


E4438C ESG:

Same requirements as single antenna (see table above), plus

E4438C-HEC (provides external baseband generator clock input, which requires 200-400 MHz clock input signal)

E4438C-HCC (provides 250 MHz to 4 GHz IN & OUT on the rear panel of the E4438C)

E4438C-HBC (provides 4 GHz to 6 GHz IN & OUT on the rear panel of the E4438C, requires E4438C-HCC and E4438C-506, I-bar OUT and Q-bar OUT connectors will be removed from the rear panel)

Lock box plus external ARB clock or amplifier distribution

Working with E4438C ESG:

Z5623A-K10 (4-channel distribution amplifier, 250 MHz to 6 GHz) plus an N5181A with Option 501 (MXG analog signal generator, 250 kHz to 1 GHz)

Hardware Requirements for Multiple Antenna Setups (MIMO) Using Real-Time Capability




All Real-Time MIMO Configurations

Multiple N5172B EXGs
Multiple N5182B MXGs


Version B.01.51 or later

Required options:

N5172B-660 (upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability
N5182B-660 (upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability

Hardware and Software Requirements for Multi-Standard Radio (MSR)

To use the MSR feature you must have a properly configured instrument and software capabilities, as described in the table below. In addition, note the following:

Export/Import Software1


Hardware Requirements


N7601C cdma2000/1xEV-DO



N7617C WLAN2

N7625C LTE/LTE-Advanced TDD3

N7626C V2X3

N7631C 5G NR

N5182B MXG

Best results require:




MSR requires a minimum sample clock rate of 30.72 MHz. Refer to the N7624C technical overview for more information.

N5172B EXG

Best results require:




MSR requires a minimum sample clock rate of 30.72 MHz. Refer to the N7624C technical overview for more information.

N5182A MXG

N5182A-652 or -654



For firmware versions < C.01.60, N5182A-R2C, Internal Channel Correction, is required. N5182A-651 is not supported because MSR requires a minimum sample clock rate of 30.72 MHz. Refer to the N7624C technical overview for more information.

E4438C ESG

E4438C-503, -504, or -506

E4438C-601 or -602

M8190A AWG

Refer to the M8190A hardware requirements above.

1. You must purchase a valid Signal Studio software license for each of the component waveforms you want to use with the MSR feature.

2. Supports high-resolution waveform export.

3. Supports high-resolution waveform import/export.

PC Requirements

Multi-UE Configurations



of Carriers

Physical Memory

Additional HDD Space Required

10 ms

20 MHz


1 GB

0.1 GB

100 ms

20 MHz


2 GB

4 GB

160 ms

20 MHz


7 GB

5 GB

Standard Configurations

200 GB HDD with 2 GB free disk space at runtime (5 GB or higher recommended)

1024 x 768 screen resolution (1280 x 1024 recommended)

If you use a high-resolution display, the GUI's font size may appear too small to read. To resolve this, lower your PC's display resolution, but make sure the display scaling remains set at 100 percent, otherwise portions of the GUI will become truncated and hidden from view.

Windows 10 (64 bit):

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 or later

Keysight IO Libraries, version 18.0 or later

Keysight License Manager 5 (4. Downloading and Installing Keysight License Manager 5)

Keysight License Service (included with installer)

Keysight Host Processor Platform (included with installer)

Installed GPIB IO interface card, LAN interface card, or USB/GPIB interface connector

Keysight VISA

Microsoft Windows Installer version 2.0 or later