CCDF Graph

Click Waveform Setup or Carrier in the Closedtree view . The graph view is located at the bottom of the Waveform Setup and Carrier nodes, and in the Library Waveform Manager's Library Manager window. For multiple antenna configurations, a tab for each antenna port is displayed above the graph view. Click the tab for the antenna port for which you want to view a CCDF graph. Click the CCDF tab to display the CCDF graph.

The CCDF, Waveform, and Power Envelope graphs are minimized in the initial view of the Waveform Setup node and the Carrier node. To view the graphs, Closedclick and drag the border above the CCDF, Waveform, and Power Envelope graphs.

The CCDF graph displays the probability (in percentage) that the generated waveform's calculated peak-to-average power ratio (measured in dB) is greater than or equal to a specified level. The table to the left of the CCDF plot displays the calculated peak-to-average values for the current waveform. For additional information, see Understanding CCDF Curves.

Click Generate Waveform or Generate and Download from the main tool bar to generate an I/Q waveform and plot the CCDF graph using the current channel configuration. Changes to the channel configuration setup do not appear on the graph until you generate the waveform. The status bar at the bottom of the screen shows waveform generation progress.


Use the buttons shown below to plot the Gaussian data, reference data, and generated waveform data to the CCDF graph. The graph's initial state shows only the Gaussian curve (blue) until you generate a waveform.

Click the Gaussian button to toggle the Gaussian noise curve (blue) on or off.

Click the Reference button to toggle the reference curve (red) on or off.

Click the Acquire Ref. button to set the current waveform curve as the reference curve.

Click the Waveform CCDF/Burst CCDF button to select the range of the CCDF calculation.

Burst CCDF calculates the CCDF curve based on the generated I/Q waveform, excluding the off power period.

Waveform CCDF calculates the CCDF curve based on entire generated I/Q waveform.

Peak Point and Peak Slot indicate the peak positions of the IQ data. (Actual peak position of RF signal from signal generator could be different.) These read-only values are calculated while processing CCDF during waveform generation and are useful for determining which slot to use with short waveform that includes peak power (to maintain PAR).

Understanding CCDF Curves

Waveform Graph

Power Envelope Graph