Menu Bar and Tool Bar

Click an icon or a command in the menus shown below to view its description.




Save As...

Open Sample Settings

Export Waveform Data

Recent Settings Files



Show Legacy Carrier

Show Beta Features


Generate Waveform

Generate and Download

Update Hardware Settings


Change Hardware Connections

Run System Configuration Wizard


Status Window

Waveform Generation Log

Waveform Library...


Convert Waveform


Contents F1


API Reference

Software License Terms

Supplemental License Terms for Data Files

Keysight Signal Studio Website



New sets the software to its standard initial state using the current hardware configuration. The window name changes to Untitled. Rename and save the new setup as a settings (.scp) file (saving only the software parameters), a GZIP format compressed settings file (.scpz), or as a Quick Setup (saving the current hardware and software parameters).

Open... opens a saved settings (.scp) or compressed settings (.scpz) file. Opening a settings file configures the waveform data parameters for use with the currently selected hardware.  

If you have made parameter changes, a window opens that enables you to save the settings to a file.

To use a settings file with a different hardware configuration, select Change Hardware Connections, or Run System Configuration Wizard and re-configure the hardware.

Use Quick Setups to open a saved setting that includes the hardware connection and software settings.

Settings files created for legacy (pre-release 9) carriers may generate a “Failed to import” error with the latest software. To support legacy settings files, use software version 11.5, available on the Keysight website.

Save as... saves the parameters configured in the Waveform Setup node and Instrument node to a specified settings file (.scp) or a GZIP format compressed settings file (.scpz). Settings files do not include the hardware configuration information such as LAN or GPIB settings for specific instruments listed in the Hardware node. 

If you need to save a specific hardware configuration together with the Waveform Setup and Instrument node settings, configure the hardware (System > Run System Configuration Wizard) then use the Save As Quick Setup button in the Quick Setups node. Note that the saved Quick Setup can only be accessed from the Quick Setups node of the user interface and is not saved as a .scp file.

Open Sample Settings opens a file management window where you can select a sample carrier settings file (.scs) or a compressed sample carrier settings file (.scsz). These sample file can be used as templates for the various configurations. Only the carrier parameters are configured. The current hardware configuration remains unchanged.

Export Waveform Data... saves an encrypted waveform file (.wfm or .fwfm file extension) to your PC. The file includes the settings and parameters from the Waveform Setup and Carrier nodes. This waveform file can then be downloaded and played in other licensed instruments. 

Do not use spaces in the file name for an exported waveform. The underscore character is allowed.

The software gives you the option to export a high-resolution waveform (.fwfm file extension). This waveform type can then be imported into the library of another Signal Studio application, such as LTE/LTE-Advanced TDD, and used as a component in a multi-standard radio (MSR) waveform.

Refer to your signal generator's Programming Guide for information about downloading waveform files to your instruments.

Recent Settings Files displays the four most recent settings files that were opened with Open... or saved with Save as.... The settings file used most recently is added to the top of the list. Deleting a settings file does not immediately remove it from the list. Selecting a deleted settings file displays an error and then removes the file from the list.

If you have changed hardware parameters, but have not changed waveform setup parameters, you are not prompted to save changes when closing or exiting the software. To save hardware parameter changes, you must use the Save As Quick Setup button.

Exit stops and closes the software. If you made any waveform setup changes, a dialog box opens asking if you want to save the changes as a quick setup before exiting. The Closedclose button performs the same function as selecting Exit.


Show Legacy Carrier allows you to control whether or not legacy carriers appear when clicking the Add Carrier button. The checkmark indicates legacy carriers are available for use. ClosedView image.

Show Beta Features When this checkbox is checked, beta features appear in GUI, especially carriers. Otherwise they are hidden. ClosedView image.


Generate and Download generates and downloads a waveform to the connected instrument(s).

When a power-sensitive DUT is connected to the instrument, ensure that the RF power is off before downloading a waveform.

Generate Waveform generates a waveform. Use this function to check for waveform errors before downloading or exporting the waveform.

Update Hardware Settings sends the current hardware configuration to the connected instrument(s). If the configuration is not received by the instrument, an error message appears.


Change Hardware Connections opens ClosedStep 3 of the System Configuration Wizard, where you can select a previously saved hardware configuration, or define and save a new hardware configuration.

Run System Configuration Wizard opens ClosedStep 1 of the System Configuration Wizard, where you can configure your system component connections and save the hardware configuration for later use. Use the System Configuration Wizard to set up a new instrument connection. Use Quick Setups to save a new setup or select a saved setup that includes hardware connections and software settings.


Status Window opens and closes the Status Window.  

Waveform Generation Log opens and closes the Waveform Generation Log.

Waveform Library... opens the Library Manager window.

Options opens a menu of selections, some of which may depend on your installed licenses.

Display Welcome dialog

This selection enables or disables the Closedwelcome dialog display.

Export Raw Data

This selection is visible only when N7624APPC and N7624RAWC licenses are installed on the PC. (See also Supplemental License Terms for Data Files.) This capability applies only to the following carriers:

IQ baseband raw data is exported to the following file location when signal generation is executed with Export Raw Data activated (check marked ü):

C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Keysight\Signal Studio Pro\N7624C\LTDFDD.csv

Export Intermediate Data

This selection is visible only when N7624APPC and N7624RAWC licenses are installed on the PC. (See also Supplemental License Terms for Data Files.) This capability applies only to the following carriers:

Intermediate data is exported to the following directory when signal generation is executed with Export Intermediate Data activated (check marked ü):

C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Keysight\Signal Studio Pro\N7624C\Intermediate Data

Intermediate data includes each process of transport channel coding and each process of physical channel coding.

Convert Waveform updates header information in legacy Signal Studio waveform files (*.wfm) so they can be used with N7624C-licensed instruments (both N7624EMBC and N7624APPC). Clicking this selection opens a file management window where you can select multiple waveform files at once. Click OK to begin the conversion. A progress bar is displayed. When complete, the converted waveform files appear in the same directory as the originals, keeping their same file names, but with _new appended to them. The original files remain unchanged.

To convert multiple waveform files, enter *.wfm in the File Name field and press either the Shift key to select contiguous files or the Ctrl key to select specific files, then click Open for conversion.

The Convert Waveform tool is not model specific. It converts other Signal Studio waveforms, as well.


Contents opens the help system and displays the table of contents. Press F1 to do the same.

Search opens the help system and displays the search utility.

API Reference opens the API help system, including programming commands and descriptions.

Software License Terms opens the Keysight Software End-User License Agreement (EULA).

Supplemental License Terms for Data Files opens the Supplemental License Terms for Data Files window. This selection is visible only when N7624APPC and N7624RAWC licenses are installed on the PC. The first time you launch the software after successful license installation, the window appears automatically, requesting that you accept the terms.

Keysight Signal Studio website opens the Signal Studio web page, describing products, options, and bundles.

About displays the version and release date of the software.