Real Time

DL-SCH Tx sequence Window (Advanced LTE-A FDD Downlink)

Select a DL-SCH channel in the Channel Setup node, then click the button in the Transmission Configuration cell to open the DL-SCH Tx sequence window.  

The DL-SCH TX window displays the transmission sequence defined in the Channel Setup node for the selected DL-SCH channel.

You can make adjustments to the MCS index, RV index, VRB type, VRB offset, VRB size, and scrambling for each DL-SCH transmission from within the DL-SCH Tx sequence window.

The settings configured in the Channel Setup node and the DL-SCH Tx sequence window are displayed in the Tx Map.

Use the Import tab to navigate to and import a saved transmission sequence.

Use the Export tab to save the current transmission sequence to a file.

Click the Column Preset button to access a drop-down list that enables you to set parameters for all transmissions to the same value.

DL-SCH Tx sequence window (Shown with parameters that are displayed when the RNTI Type is set to C-RNTI.)





MCS#1 | 2

Mod#1 | 2

TBS#1 | 2

TB Size 1 | 2


RV#1 | 2

VRB Type

RB Offset

RB Size

RB Gap




Displays the sequential number.


Displays the radio frame number.


Displays the subframe number (0 to 9) in a radio frame.


Choice: On | Off

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the subframe state on or off.

When this parameter is on, other settings on this subframe are visible. Otherwise they are invisible.

When the DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 65535 (SI-RNTI) case, default is “Off” and there is no restriction for transmittable subframe. Otherwise “On”.

MCS#1 | 2

Choice: Off | 0 | 1 | 2 | … | 31

Default: 0

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select MCS index for the subframe.

DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 1 to 65523 (C-RNTI) case, this parameter is as follows:

DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 65535 (SI-RNTI) case, this parameter is as follows:

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.213.

Mod#1 | 2

Choice:  QPSK | 16QAM | 64QAM (Modulation and TBS Index Table 1)

QPSK | 16QAM | 64QAM | 256QAM ( Modulation and TBS Index Table 2)

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select modulation type for the subframe.

DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 1 to 65523 (C-RNTI) case, this parameter is as follows:

DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 65535 (SI-RNTI) case, this parameter is as follows:

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.213.

TBS#1 | 2

Choices: Off | 0| 1 | 2 | … | 26 (Modulation and TBS Index Table 1)

Off | 0| 1 | 2 | … | 33 (Modulation and TBS Index Table 2)

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select TBS Index for the subframe.

DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 1 to 65523 (C-RNTI) case, this parameter is as follows.

DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 65535 (SI-RNTI) case, this parameter is as follows.

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.213.

TB Size 1 | 2

Range:   1 to 97896 (C-RNTI mapped to one layer) or limited by UE Category

1 to 195816 (C-RNTI mapped to two layers) or limited by UE Category

1 to 1293736 (C-RNTI, mapped to three layers) or limited by UE Category

1 to 391656 (C-RNTI, mapped to four layers) or limited by UE Category

1 to 2216 (SI-RNTI or P-RNTI)

The maximum range value is dependent on the UE Category and the number of spatial multiplexing layers mapped to the transport block.

Where TBS = Off, this parameter is available to change manually. Otherwise this is a read only parameter set (0 to 26) by the software.

Where MCS = 29 to 31, this case is an exception. TBS, TB Size, and Mod are available to change manually.

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.213.

N_1A_PRB (for SI-RNTI or P-RNTI)

This parameter selects the number of physical resource blocks.

RV#1 | 2

This parameter indicates RV Index for each subframe respectively.

Where DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 1 to 65523 (C-RNTI) and RV Index Configuration = Auto case, this parameter is automatically decided by both RV Index Sequence and ReTrans parameters.

Where DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 65535 (SI-RNTI), this parameter is set to manually.

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.321.

VRB Type

Choice: Localized | Distributed

Default: Localized

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the virtual resource block type for the subframe.

Where DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 1 to 65523 (C-RNTI) and RA Type = Type2 case, this parameter is available to select Localized or Distributed.

Where DL-SCH parameter RNTI = 65535 (SI-RNTI), this parameter is as follows:

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.211 and 36.213.

RB Offset

Range: Depends on relative parameters as follows:

Enter the RB offset for the subframe.

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.213.

RB Size

Range: Depends on relative parameters as follows.

Enter the RB size for the subframe.

When the System Bandwidth is decreased, the DL-SCH Tx Sequence window's RB size, and some of the other data channel's settings, are reconfigured, similar to when a Predefined Configuration is executed. But, when the System Bandwidth is increased, no change to the DL-SCH Tx Sequence window's RB size, or the other data channel's settings occurs.

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.213.

RB Gap

Choice: Ngap, 1 | Ngap, 2

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the RB Gap for the subframe.

Only VRB Type = ‘Distributed’ case this parameter is visible.

VRB Type = Distributed and System BW >= 50 case, this parameter is selectable by manual.

VRB Type = Distributed and System BW < 50 case, this parameter is read only and Ngap, 1.

For more details, refer to 3GPP TS 36.213.


Range: 0–3

Default: 0

Coupling: Visible when the Transmission Mode selection is 10.

Enter a value for the PDSCH RE Mapping and Quasi-Co-Location Indicator.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212, 36.213 and 36.331 for more information.