Real Time

Channel Setup (LTE TDD PRACH)

Use the Channel Setup node to configure PRACH bursts.

When you click the Add Burst button, the software adds a new PRACH burst above the currently selected PRACH burst in the list. The software assigns an identifying number to the new PRACH burst that corresponds to its position in the list and increments the identifying numbers of subsequent PRACH bursts in the list.

Similarly, if you delete the selected PRACH burst using the Delete Burst button, the software adjusts the identifying numbers of the subsequent PRACH bursts according to their new positions in the list.

Click the Column Preset button to access a Closeddrop-down that enables you to set parameters for all PRACH bursts to the same value.

Click the links in the table below the graphic for parameter descriptions.


1. General Settings


PRACH Burst Number

Frequency Offset


Resource Block Offset


Preamble Time Offset

Configuration Index

Cyclic Shift Set

Resource Index

Ncs Configuration

Preamble Format

Logical Root Sequence Index

Occupied Frames

Logical Root Sequence Index (Incremented)

Frame Number

Preamble Index

Subframe Number

Physical Root Sequence Index


Cyclic Shift v

PRACH Burst Number

Displays the identifying number of the selected PRACH burst.


Choice: Off | On

Default: On

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the selected PRACH burst on or off.


Range: -60.000 to 20.000 dB

Default: 0.000 dB

Enter a power level in dB for the selected PRACH burst, relative to the carrier power.

Configuration Index

Range: 0 to 57

Default: 0

Enter a value for the PRACH configuration index.

Resource Index

Range: 0 to Maximum Number of PRACH Resource.

Default: 0

Enter a value for the PRACH Resource Index.

Preamble Format

Displays the PRACH preamble format of the selected PRACH burst.

Occupied Frames

Displays the occupied frame type of the selected PRACH burst.

Frame Number

Range: 0 to 19

Enter a frame number for the selected PRACH burst. The PRACH burst location displayed in the Resource Mapping Graph at the bottom of the Channel Setup node is determined by the frame number and subframe number defined for the selected burst.

Subframe Number

Displays the occupied subframe of the selected PRACH burst.

Frequency Offset

Default: 0.000000 Hz

Set the frequency offset of the carrier relative to the signal generator's frequency setting.

The range of the parameter is coupled to the Oversampling Ratio, the Base Sampling Rate, the System Bandwidth, and the max ARB Sample Clock of the connected signal generator.

For single carrier configurations, the following table shows the maximum frequency offset:

Maximum Frequency Offset for each Maximum Arb Sample Clock and System Bandwidth
Maximum Frequency Offset System Bandwidth
Maximum Arb Sample Clock (RF Bandwidth) 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
75 MHz (60 MHz) 29.3 MHz 28.5 MHz 26.72 MHz 20.54 MHz 22.04 MHz 15.36 MHz
100 MHz (80 MHz) 39.3 MHz 38.5 MHz 37.5 MHz 35 MHz 32.5 MHz 30 MHz
125 MHz (100 MHz) 49.3 MHz 48.5 MHz 47.5 MHz 45 MHz 42.5 MHz 40 MHz
150 MHz (120 MHz) 59.3 MHz 58.5 MHz 57.5 MHz 55 MHz 52.5 MHz 46.08 MHz
200 MHz (160 MHz) 79.3 MHz 78.5 MHz 77.5 MHz 75 MHz 72.5 MHz 70 MHz

For multiple carrier configurations, the following table shows the maximum frequency offset:

Multiple Carrier Maximum Frequency Offset for each Maximum Arb Sample Clock and System Bandwidth
Maximum Frequency Offset System Bandwidth
Maximum Arb Sample Clock (RF Bandwidth) 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
75 MHz (60 MHz) 15.36 MHz
100 MHz (80 MHz) 30.72 MHz 30 MHz
125 MHz (100 MHz) 46.08 MHz 45 MHz 42.5 MHz 40 MHz
150 MHz (120 MHz) 46.08 MHz
200 MHz (160 MHz) 76.8 MHz 75 MHz 72.5 MHz 70 MHz

Resource Block Offset

Displays the resource blocks offset of the selected PRACH burst.

Preamble Time Offset

Choice: 0.0 us | 0.1 us | 0.2 us | 0.3 us | 0.4 us | 0.5 us | 0.6 us | 0.7 us | 0.8 us | 0.9 us

Default: 0.0 us

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the preamble time offset in microseconds (us) for the selected burst.

Cyclic Shift Set

Choice: Unrestricted Sets | Restricted Sets

Default: Unrestricted Sets

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the cyclic shift restriction method.

Ncs Configuration

Range: 0 to 15

Default: 0

Enter a value for the Ncs configuration for preamble generation. (See 3GPP TS 36.211.)

In the case where preambles corresponding to Preamble Index cannot be generated from a single root Zadoff-Chu sequence, Logical Root Sequence Index is incremented until corresponding Preamble sequences are found.

That incremented Logical Root Sequence Index is displayed in the Logical Root Sequence Index (Incremented) field.

Physical Root Sequence Index, Cyclic Shift v and Incremented Logical Root Sequence Index are automatically changed on GUI based on Cyclic Shift Set, Ncs Configuration, Logical Root Sequence Index and Preamble Index.

Logical Root Sequence Index

Range: 0 to 837

Default: 0

Enter a value for the logical root sequence index. (See 3GPP TS 36.211.)

In the case where preambles corresponding to Preamble Index cannot be generated from a single root Zadoff-Chu sequence, Logical Root Sequence Index is incremented until corresponding Preamble sequences are found.

That incremented Logical Root Sequence Index is displayed in the Logical Root Sequence Index (Incremented) field.

Physical Root Sequence Index, Cyclic Shift v and Incremented Logical Root Sequence Index are automatically changed on GUI based on Cyclic Shift Set, Ncs Configuration, Logical Root Sequence Index and Preamble Index.

In the table below, the first Logical root sequence number in the range matches the first Physical root sequence number, the second matches the second, and so on. For example, logical root number 0 = physical root number 129, logical root number 1 = physical root number 710. (See 3GPP TS 36.211.)    

Logical root sequence number

Physical root sequence number ยต

(in increasing order of the corresponding logical sequence number)

0 to 23

129, 710, 140, 699, 120, 719, 210, 629, 168, 671, 84, 755, 105, 734, 93, 746, 70, 769, 60, 779, 2, 837, 1, 838

24 to 29

56, 783, 112, 727, 148, 691

30 to 35

80, 759, 42, 797, 40, 799

36 to 41

35, 804, 73, 766, 146, 693

42 to 51

31, 808, 28, 811, 30, 809, 27, 812, 29, 810

52 to 63

24, 815, 48, 791, 68, 771, 74, 765, 178, 661, 136, 703

64 to 75

86, 753, 78, 761, 43, 796, 39, 800, 20, 819, 21, 818

76 to 89

95, 744, 202, 637, 190, 649, 181, 658, 137, 702, 125, 714, 151, 688

90 to 115

217, 622, 128, 711, 142, 697, 122, 717, 203, 636, 118, 721, 110, 729, 89, 750, 103, 736, 61, 778, 55, 784, 15, 824, 14, 825

116 to 135

12, 827, 23, 816, 34, 805, 37, 802, 46, 793, 207, 632, 179, 660, 145, 694, 130, 709, 223, 616

136 to 167

228, 611, 227, 612, 132, 707, 133, 706, 143, 696, 135, 704, 161, 678, 201, 638, 173, 666, 106, 733, 83, 756, 91, 748, 66, 773, 53, 786, 10, 829, 9, 830

168 to 203

7, 832, 8, 831, 16, 823, 47, 792, 64, 775, 57, 782, 104, 735, 101, 738, 108, 731, 208, 631, 184, 655, 197, 642, 191, 648, 121, 718, 141, 698, 149, 690, 216, 623, 218, 621

204 to 263

152, 687, 144, 695, 134, 705, 138, 701, 199, 640, 162, 677, 176, 663, 119, 720, 158, 681, 164, 675, 174, 665, 171, 668, 170, 669, 87, 752, 169, 670, 88, 751, 107, 732, 81, 758, 82, 757, 100, 739, 98, 741, 71, 768, 59, 780, 65, 774, 50, 789, 49, 790, 26, 813, 17, 822, 13, 826, 6, 833

264 to 327

5, 834, 33, 806, 51, 788, 75, 764, 99, 740, 96, 743, 97, 742, 166, 673, 172, 667, 175, 664, 187, 652, 163, 676, 185, 654, 200, 639, 114, 725, 189, 650, 115, 724, 194, 645, 195, 644, 192, 647, 182, 657, 157, 682, 156, 683, 211, 628, 154, 685, 123, 716, 139, 700, 212, 627, 153, 686, 213, 626, 215, 624, 150, 689

328 to 383

225, 614, 224, 615, 221, 618, 220, 619, 127, 712, 147, 692, 124, 715, 193, 646, 205, 634, 206, 633, 116, 723, 160, 679, 186, 653, 167, 672, 79, 760, 85, 754, 77, 762, 92, 747, 58, 781, 62, 777, 69, 770, 54, 785, 36, 803, 32, 807, 25, 814, 18, 821, 11, 828, 4, 835

384 to 455

3, 836, 19, 820, 22, 817, 41, 798, 38, 801, 44, 795, 52, 787, 45, 794, 63, 776, 67, 772, 72, 767, 76, 763, 94, 745, 102, 737, 90, 749, 109, 730, 165, 674, 111, 728, 209, 630, 204, 635, 117, 722, 188, 651, 159, 680, 198, 641, 113, 726, 183, 656, 180, 659, 177, 662, 196, 643, 155, 684, 214, 625, 126, 713, 131, 708, 219, 620, 222, 617, 226, 613

456 to 513

230, 609, 232, 607, 262, 577, 252, 587, 418, 421, 416, 423, 413, 426, 411, 428, 376, 463, 395, 444, 283, 556, 285, 554, 379, 460, 390, 449, 363, 476, 384, 455, 388, 451, 386, 453, 361, 478, 387, 452, 360, 479, 310, 529, 354, 485, 328, 511, 315, 524, 337, 502, 349, 490, 335, 504, 324, 515

514 to 561

323, 516, 320, 519, 334, 505, 359, 480, 295, 544, 385, 454, 292, 547, 291, 548, 381, 458, 399, 440, 380, 459, 397, 442, 369, 470, 377, 462, 410, 429, 407, 432, 281, 558, 414, 425, 247, 592, 277, 562, 271, 568, 272, 567, 264, 575, 259, 580

562 to 629

237, 602, 239, 600, 244, 595, 243, 596, 275, 564, 278, 561, 250, 589, 246, 593, 417, 422, 248, 591, 394, 445, 393, 446, 370, 469, 365, 474, 300, 539, 299, 540, 364, 475, 362, 477, 298, 541, 312, 527, 313, 526, 314, 525, 353, 486, 352, 487, 343, 496, 327, 512, 350, 489, 326, 513, 319, 520, 332, 507, 333, 506, 348, 491, 347, 492, 322, 517

630 to 659

330, 509, 338, 501, 341, 498, 340, 499, 342, 497, 301, 538, 366, 473, 401, 438, 371, 468, 408, 431, 375, 464, 249, 590, 269, 570, 238, 601, 234, 605

660 to 707

257, 582, 273, 566, 255, 584, 254, 585, 245, 594, 251, 588, 412, 427, 372, 467, 282, 557, 403, 436, 396, 443, 392, 447, 391, 448, 382, 457, 389, 450, 294, 545, 297, 542, 311, 528, 344, 495, 345, 494, 318, 521, 331, 508, 325, 514, 321, 518

708 to 729

346, 493, 339, 500, 351, 488, 306, 533, 289, 550, 400, 439, 378, 461, 374, 465, 415, 424, 270, 569, 241, 598

730 to 751

231, 608, 260, 579, 268, 571, 276, 563, 409, 430, 398, 441, 290, 549, 304, 535, 308, 531, 358, 481, 316, 523

752 to 765

293, 546, 288, 551, 284, 555, 368, 471, 253, 586, 256, 583, 263, 576

766 to 777

242, 597, 274, 565, 402, 437, 383, 456, 357, 482, 329, 510

778 to 789

317, 522, 307, 532, 286, 553, 287, 552, 266, 573, 261, 578

790 to 795

236, 603, 303, 536, 356, 483

796 to 803

355, 484, 405, 434, 404, 435, 406, 433

804 to 809

235, 604, 267, 572, 302, 537

810 to 815

309, 530, 265, 574, 233, 606

816 to 819

367, 472, 296, 543

820 to 837

336, 503, 305, 534, 373, 466, 280, 559, 279, 560, 419, 420, 240, 599, 258, 581, 229, 610

Logical Root Sequence Index (Incremented)


0 to 837 for Format 0 to 3

0 to 137 for Format 4

Default: 0

Displays a value for the incremented logical root sequence index. Refer to 3GPP TS 36.211.

In the case where preambles corresponding to Preamble Index cannot be generated from a single root Zadoff-Chu sequence, Logical Root Sequence Index is incremented until corresponding Preamble sequences are found.

That incremented Logical Root Sequence Index is displayed in the Logical Root Sequence Index (Incremented) field.

Physical Root Sequence Index, Cyclic Shift v and Incremented Logical Root Sequence Index are automatically changed on GUI based on Cyclic Shift Set, Ncs Configuration, Logical Root Sequence Index and Preamble Index.

Preamble Index

Range: 0 to 63.

Default: 0

Enter a value for the Preamble Index for PRACH generation. (See 3GPP TS 36.211.)

When the Auto-configuration parameter is set to PRACH Test Preamble (36.141),you must set the Preamble Index to satisfy Cyclic Shift v as defined in 3GPP 36.141 (PRACH Test Preambles test).

Example: Auto-configuration = PRACH Test Preamble (3GPP TS 36.141),Cyclic Shift Set = Normal Mode, and Preamble Format = 0, so Preamble Index should be set to 32 to satisfy Cyclic Shift v = 32 (refer to 34.141 A.6).

Test preambles for Normal Mode
Burst Format Ncs Configuration Logical Root Sequence Index Cycle Shift v
0 13 22 32
1 167 22 2
2 167 22 0
3 0 22 0
4 10 0 0


Test preambles for High Speed Mode
Burst Format Ncs Configuration Logical Root Sequence Index Cycle Shift v
0 15 384 0
1 202 384 0
2 202 384 0
3 237 384 0

Refer to Preamble Index-related information in TS36.212, TS36.321 5.1, and TS36.331 6.3.2.

Physical Root Sequence Index

Displays the physical root sequence index.

In the case where preambles corresponding to Preamble Index cannot be generated from a single root Zadoff-Chu sequence, Logical Root Sequence Index is incremented until corresponding Preamble sequences are found.

That incremented Logical Root Sequence Index is displayed in the Logical Root Sequence Index (Incremented) field.

Physical Root Sequence Index, Cyclic Shift v and Incremented Logical Root Sequence Index are automatically changed on GUI based on Cyclic Shift Set, Ncs Configuration, Logical Root Sequence Index and Preamble Index.

Cyclic Shift v

Range: Determined by the Configuration of the PRACH.

Default: 0

Enter a value for the cyclic shift value for preamble generation. (See 3GPP TS 36.211.)

Test preambles for Normal Mode
Burst Format Ncs Configuration Logical Root Sequence Index Cycle Shift v
0 13 22 32
1 167 22 2
2 167 22 0
3 0 22 0
4 10 0 0


Test preambles for High Speed Mode
Burst Format Ncs Configuration Logical Root Sequence Index Cycle Shift v
0 15 384 0
1 202 384 0
2 202 384 0
3 237 384 0

Refer to Preamble Index-related information in TS36.212, TS36.321 5.1, and TS36.331 6.3.2.