Real Time

Configure PUSCH window (Basic LTE TDD Uplink)

Before adding a PUSCH channel as described below, delete any existing transport channel, physical channel, or resource block collection that occupies the resource blocks that your new PUSCH channel will occupy. If you add a new PUSCH channel without first deleting a conflicting channel or resource block collection, a "code conflicted" error occurs when you generate the waveform.

Click the Add Channel button in the Physical Channel node and select PUSCH to open the Configure PUSCH window.

Figure 1 shows the Configure PUSCH window with the default settings.

Figure 1. PUSCH default settings

Modulation Type

Select QPSK, 16 QAM, or 64 QAM as the modulation type for the PUSCH.

Subframe Number

Range: 0 to 9

Default: 2

Enter a subframe number for the PUSCH.

Resource Block Size

Enter the number of resource blocks the PUSCH will occupy in the frequency domain.

Resource Block Offset

Default: 0,0

Enter a number of resource blocks to offset the PUSCH in each slot, separated by a comma. The first value applies to the even-numbered slot; the second value applies to the odd-numbered slot. The resource block size must be set to a value less than the currently defined system bandwidth in order to set a resource block offset. 


Choice: 0 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10

Default: 0

Enter the nDMRS(1) value which is used to calculate the cyclic shift value for the demodulation reference signal (DMRS)


Choice: 0 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10

Default: 0

Enter the nDMRS(2) value which is used to calculate the cyclic shift value for the demodulation reference signal (DMRS)


Range: 0 to 29

Default: 0

Enter a value which determines the sequence shift pattern for the demodulation reference signal (DMRS) for PUSCH.

Group/Sequence Hopping

Choice: Off | Group Hopping | Sequence Hopping

Default: Off

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to enable the hopping type for the selected transmission.