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UL-SCH PDDCH Tx Setting and Configuration (Advanced LTE-A TDD Downlink)

PDCCH Tx Parameters (from grid)

Seq #




RA Type

RB Offset

RB Size

RBG Start #1 (S0)

RBG End #1 (S1-1)

RBG Start #2 (S2)

RBG End #2 (S3-1)

MCS Index(1)


MCS Index(2)



Cyclic Shift

UL Index

CSI Request

SRS Request



Agg Level


CCE Offset


Click this button to navigate to and import a saved transmission sequence.


Click this button to save the current transmission sequence to a file.

Column Preset

Click this button to access a Closeddrop-down list that enables you to set parameters for all transmissions to the same value.

1. PUSCH Scheduling Settings

Uplink System Bandwidth

Choice: 1.4 MHz (6RB) | 3 MHz (15RB) | 5 MHz (25RB)) | 10 MHz (50RB) | 15 MHz (75RB) | 20 MHz (100RB)

Default: 10 MHz (50RB)

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the uplink system bandwidth and number of Resource Blocks (RB). In the downlink system bandwidth changed case, the software automatically sets this value same as downlink system bandwidth. This is used for DCI Format 0 which is scheduling of PUSCH.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212, and 36.213 for more information.

Uplink Transmission Mode

Choice: 1 | 2

Default: 1

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the transmission mode of PUSCH scheduling information, which is transmitted on PDCCH.

1: Single Antenna Port (Port 10)

2: Single Antenna Port (Port 10) / Closed Loop Spatial Multiplexing

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212, and 36.213, for more information.

Uplink Number of Antennas


1Antenna (Uplink Transmission Mode 1)

2Antennas | 4Antennas (Uplink Transmission Mode 2)

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the number of antennas of PUSCH scheduling information, which is transmitted on PDCCH. In case of Uplink Transmission Mode 1, single antenna port (1 Antenna) is available to set. In case of Uplink Transmission Mode 2, multiple antenna port (2 or 4 antennas) is available to set.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212, and 36.213, for more information.

Number of Codewords


1 (Uplink Transmission Mode 1)

1 to 2 (Uplink Transmission Mode 2)

Default: 1

Enter the number of codewords of PUSCH scheduling information, which is transmitted on PDCCH.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212, and 36.213, for more information.

2. DCI Settings

DCI State

Choice: Off | On

Default: On

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the channel On or Off.

DCI Format

The DCI for the scheduling of PUSCH uses DCI format 0.

DCI Data

Displays the Data Source of the DCI channel. The data for DCI is auto generated using the UL-SCH parameter settings in each subframe.

DCI Payload Size (bits)

Displays the payload size in bits. Refer to the 3GPP TS 36.212 DCI formats for more information.


Range: 1 to 65535

Default: 1

Enter a value for the Radio Network Temporary Identifier (RNTI).

3. PDCCH Settings

PDCCH UE Tx Antenna

Choice: UE Port 0 | UE Port 1

Default: UE Port 0

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the UE Tx Antenna for the selected DCI channel.

Search Space

Choice: Common | UE Specific

Default: UE Specific

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the search space of the PDCCH channels.

Search Space is only available to be set when the current component cell is set to be the Primary Cell component carrier. For secondary cell component carriers, this parameter is inactive.

See more details about this parameter in the PDCCH Assignment Procedure or refer to 3GPP TS 36.213.

4. PUSCH Frequency Hopping Settings

Hopping Mode

Choice: Off | Inter-subframe | Intra and inter-subframe

Default: Off

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the Hopping Mode.

Refer to the TS 3GPP 36.211 5.3.4 and 36.213 8.4 about the PUSCH frequency hopping for more information.  

Hopping Type

Choice: Type1 +1/4 | Type1 -1/4 | Type1 +1/2 | Type2

Default: Type1 +1/2

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the frequency hopping type of the PUSCHs.

Type 1 +1/4 and Type 1 -1/4 are only available when the number of system resource blocks is greater than 50.

Refer to the TS 3GPP 36.211 5.3.4 and 36.213 8.4 about the PUSCH frequency hopping for more information.  

Hopping Offset

Range: 0 to 98

Default: 0

Enter a value for the frequency hopping offset of the PUSCHs.

Refer to the TS 3GPP 36.211 5.3.4 and 36.213 8.4 about the PUSCH frequency hopping for more information.  

Hopping Subbands

Range: 1 to 4

Default: 1

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the frequency hopping subbands.

This parameter is only available when the frequency hopping type is set to Type 2.

Refer to the TS 3GPP 36.211 5.3.4 and 36.213 8.4 for more information.

PDCCH Tx Parameters (from grid)

Seq #

Displays the sequence number.


Displays the radio frame number.


Displays the subframe number (0 to 9) in radio frame.


Choice: On | Off

Default: On

Click to turn the DCI state on or off in the selected subframe.

RA Type

Range: 0 to 1 (DCI Format 4, or DCI Format 0 and Uplink System Bandwidth <= Downlink System Bandwidth case)

Default: 0

Enter the resource allocation type of PUSCH scheduling information which is transmitted on PDCCH.

DCI Format 4, or DCI Format 0 and Uplink System Bandwidth <= Downlink System Bandwidth case, this field is only present. Otherwise it’s hidden.

0: Resource Allocation Type 0. A set of contiguously allocated virtual resource block which indicated by a starting resource block (Virtual Resource Block Offset) and length (Virtual Resource Block Size).

1: Resource Allocation Type 1. Two sets of resource blocks with each set including one or more consecutive resource block groups of size P same as downlink RBG size for uplink system bandwidth.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212 and 36.213, for more information.

RB Offset

Range: 0 to RBmax –1

Default: 0

Enter the offset of resource blocks allocation of the PUSCH in the selected subframe.

RB Size

Range: 1 to RBmax

Default: 25

Enter the resource block size of the PUSCH in the selected subframe. The maximum RB size is determined by the transmission bandwidth and frequency hopping parameters.

RBG Start #1 (S0)

Range: (It depends on Uplink System Bandwidth which is shown in parentheses.)

1 to 4 (1.4 MHz)

1 to 6 (3 MHz)

1 to 11 (5 MHz)

1 to 15 (10 MHz)

1 to 17 (15 MHz)

1 to 23 (20 MHz)

Default: 1

Enter the starting RBG index of cluster #1 (s0) of PUSCH scheduling information which is transmitted on PDCCH.

In case of resource allocation type = Type 1 (RA Type = 1), this parameter is active. Otherwise inactive.

There is input limitation which is s0 < s1 < s2 < s3.

Note that the resource block index is shown in parentheses.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212 and 36.213, for more information.

RBG End #1 (S1-1)

Range: (It depends on Uplink System Bandwidth which is shown in parentheses.)

1 to 4 (1.4MHz)

1 to 6 (3MHz)

1 to 11 (5MHz)

1 to 15 (10MHz)

1 to 17 (15MHz)

1 to 23 (20MHz)


2 (1.4MHz)

3 (3MHz)

6 (5MHz)

8 (10MHz)

8 (15MHz)

12 (20MHz)

Enter the ending RBG index of cluster #1 (s1-1) of PUSCH scheduling information which is transmitted on PDCCH.

In case of resource allocation type = Type 1 (RA Type = 1), this parameter is active. Otherwise inactive.

There is input limitation which is s0 < s1 < s2 < s3.

Note that the resource block index is shown in parentheses.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212 and 36.213, for more information.

RBG Start #2 (S2)

Range: (It depends on Uplink System Bandwidth which is shown in parentheses.)

3 to 6 (1.4MHz)

3 to 8 (3MHz)

3 to 13 (5MHz)

3 to 17 (10MHz)

3 to 19 (15MHz)

3 to 25 (20MHz)


5 (1.4MHz)

5 (3MHz)

8 (5MHz)

10 (10MHz)

10 (15MHz)

14 (20MHz)

Enter the starting RBG index of cluster #2 (s2) of PUSCH scheduling information which is transmitted on PDCCH.

In case of resource allocation type = Type 1 (RA Type = 1), this parameter is active. Otherwise inactive.

There is input limitation which is s0 < s1 < s2 < s3.

Note that the resource block index is shown in parentheses.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212 and 36.213, for more information.

RBG End #2 (S3-1)

Range: (It depends on Uplink System Bandwidth which is shown in parentheses.)

3 to 6 (1.4MHz)

3 to 8 (3MHz)

3 to 13 (5MHz)

3 to 17 (10MHz)

3 to 19 (15MHz)

3 to 25 (20MHz)


6 (1.4MHz)

7 (3MHz)

12 (5MHz)

16 (10MHz)

18 (15MHz)

24 (20MHz)

Enter the ending RBG index of cluster #2 (s3-1) of PUSCH scheduling information which is transmitted on PDCCH.

In case of resource allocation type = Type 1 (RA Type = 1), this parameter is active. Otherwise inactive.

There is input limitation which is s0 < s1 < s2 < s3.

Note that the resource block index is shown in parentheses.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212 and 36.213, for more information.

MCS Index(1)

Range: 0 to 31

Default: 0

Set modulation and coding scheme of transmission in the selected subframe.


Choice: On|Off

Default: 0

Set new data indicator of the transmission in the selected subframe.

MCS Index(2)

Range: 0 to 31

Default: 0

Set modulation and coding scheme of transmission in the selected subframe.


Choice: On|Off

Default: 0

Set new data indicator of the transmission in the selected subframe.


Choice: TPC #0 | TPC #1 | TPC #2 | TPC #3

Default: TPC #0

Select the TPC command for PUSCH in the selected subframe.

Cyclic Shift

Range: 0 to 7

Default: 0

Enter the cyclic shift for DM-RS and OCC index of PUSCH scheduling information which is transmitted on PDCCH.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212 and 36.213, for more information.

UL Index

Choice: 0 to 3

Default: 0

Set UL index of the transmission in the selected subframe.

This parameter is only displayed when the uplink and the downlink configuration are set to 0.

CSI Request

Choice: On|Off

Default: Off

Set CSI Request state of the transmission in the selected subframe.

SRS Request


0 to 3 (2 bits) or 0 to 1 (1 bit)

0 to 3 (DCI Format 4 case)

0 to 1 (DCI Format 0 and UE-specific search space case)

Default: 0

Enter the SRS request of PUSCH scheduling information which is transmitted on PDCCH.

DCI Format 4, or DCI Format 0 and UE-specific search space case, this range is given by 2-bits field and 1-bit field, respectively. Otherwise it’s hidden.

See 3GPP TS 36.211, 36.212 and 36.213, for more information.


Range: (It depends on Uplink Transmission Mode, Uplink Number of Antennas, Number of Codewords and DCI Format)

0 to 5 (Uplink Transmission Mode 2, Uplink Number of Antennas 2, Uplink Number of Codewords 1, DCI Format 4 case)

0 (Uplink Transmission Mode 2, Uplink Number of Antennas 2, Uplink Number of Codewords 2, DCI Format 4 case)

0 to 39 (Uplink Transmission Mode 2, Uplink Number of Antennas 4, Uplink Number of Codewords 1, DCI Format 4 case)

0 to 28 (Uplink Transmission Mode 2, Uplink Number of Antennas 4, Uplink Number of Codewords 2, DCI Format 4 case)

Enter the index of precoding information and number of layers for PUSCH scheduling information which is transmitted on PDCCH.

This parameter is shown in the case DCI Format 4. Otherwise it’s hidden or read only.

DCI Format depends on Uplink Transmission Mode, Uplink Number of Antennas and Number of Codewords.

3 bits and 6 bits precoding information are used for 2 antennas configuration and 4 antennas configuration respectively.

See 3GPP TS36.212 and 36.213 for more information.


Displays the number of layers and Transmitted Precoding Matrix Indicator (TPMI).

This is shown as the number of layers and TPMI which is translated from Precoding/Layers parameter.

Note that TPMI for 2 or 4 Uplink Number of Antennas indicates which codebook index is to be used.

See 3GPP TS36.212 and 36.213 for more information.

Agg Level

Choice: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8

Default: 1

Select the Aggregation level for the DCI searching space in the selected subframe.

See more details about this parameter in the PDCCH Assignment Procedure in 3GPP TS 36.213 9.1.1.


Choice: 0

Default: 0 to maximum

Set the candidate within the searching space in the selected subframe.

See more details about this parameter in the PDCCH Assignment Procedure in 3GPP TS 36.213 9.1.1.

CCE Offset

Display the CCE offset of the DCI in the selected subframe.

See more details about this parameter in the PDCCH Assignment Procedure in 3GPP TS 36.213 9.1.1.