Last updated: 2010-04-26
For more information on the GPIB Command conventions, see GPIB Command conventions.
For the waveform quality measurement description, see Waveform Quality Measurement.
Function |
Queries all the waveform quality measurements results. Measurement results are returned in the following order: Integrity, Average RMS EVM, Average Frequency Error, Average Origin Offset, Average Phase Error, Average Magnitude Error, Average Time Error, Maximum PCDE. |
Query |
Integrity (see Integrity Indicator) Average RMS (Root Mean Square) EVM
Average Frequency Error
Average Origin Offset
Average Phase Error
Average Magnitude Error
Average Timing Error
Maximum Peak Code Domain Error
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:ALL?" |
Function |
Queries the average RMS EVM when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Positive Float Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: % |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:AVERage?" |
Function |
Queries all the RMS EVM measurement results, which are returned in the following order: minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation RMS EVM. |
Query |
Minimum EVM
Maximum EVM
Average EVM
Standard Deviation EVM
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:ALL?" |
Function |
Queries the RMS maximum EVM when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Positive Float Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: % |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:MAXimum?" |
Function |
Queries the RMS minimum EVM when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Positive Float Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: % |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:MINimum?" |
Function |
Queries the RMS EVM Standard Deviation when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Positive Float Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.001 Unit: % |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:SDEViation?" |
Function |
Queries the average peak EVM when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: % |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:PEAK:AVERage?" |
Function |
Queries all the peak EVM results, which are returned in the following order: minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation peak EVM. |
Query |
Standard Deviation
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the maximum peak EVM when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: % |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:PEAK:MAXimum?" |
Function |
Queries the minimum peak EVM when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: % |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:PEAK:MINimum?" |
Function |
Queries the Standard deviation peak EVM when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.001 Unit: dB |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:EVM:PEAK:SDEViation?" |
Function |
Queries the average frequency error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: Hz |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:FERRor:AVERage?" |
Function |
Queries the frequency error measurements when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. Results are returned in the following order: minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation and worst case frequency error. |
Query |
Minimum Frequency Error
Maximum Frequency Error
Average Frequency Error
Standard Deviation Frequency Error
Worst Case Frequency Error
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:FERRor:ALL?" |
Function |
Queries the maximum frequency error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: Hz |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:FERRor:MAXimum?" |
Function |
Queries the minimum frequency error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: Hz |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:FERRor:MINimum?" |
Function |
Queries the standard deviation of frequency error results when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.001 Unit: Hz |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:FERRor:SDEViation?" |
Function |
Queries the worst case frequency error. (The test set returns either the Minimum or Maximum Frequency Error result, whichever is furthest from zero). |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: Hz |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:FERRor:WORSt?" |
Function |
Queries the intermediate count of measurements completed in a multi-measurement. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 999 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
Function |
Queries the measurement integrity indicator for the last waveform quality measurement completed. Zero indicates a normal measurement. |
Query |
Range: see Integrity Indicator |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCH:TWQuality:INTegrity?" |
Function |
Queries the average origin offset when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: dBc |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:OOFFset:AVERage?" |
Function |
Queries the origin offset measurement results when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. The results are returned in the following order: minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation origin offset. |
Query |
Minimum Origin Offset
Maximum Origin Offset
Average Origin Offset
Standard Deviation Origin Offset
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:OOFFset:ALL?" |
Function |
Queries the maximum origin offset when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: dBc |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:OOFFset:MAXimum?" |
Function |
Queries the minimum origin offset when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.01 Unit: dBc |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:OOFFset:MINimum?" |
Function |
Queries the standard deviation origin offset when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 (NAN) Resolution: 0.001 Unit: dB |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:OOFFset:SDEViation?" |
Function |
Queries the peak code domain error results. There are three number returned for each measurement and the results are returned in the following order: peak code domain error maximum result, channelization code and spreading factor . |
Query |
Peak Code Domain Error Maximum
Channelization Code
Spread Factor
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:PCERror:ALL?" |
Function |
Queries the Channelization Code (K) and Spread Factor (SF) for the Peak Code Domain Error result orderly. |
Query |
Range: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or -1 (None) |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:PCERror:CHANnel?" |
Function |
Queries the Maximum Peak Code Domain Error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: Measured Value, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 Unit: dB |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:PCERror:MAXimum?" |
Function |
Queries the average phase error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: -180 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:PERRor:AVERage?" |
Function |
Queries the phase error measurement results, which are returned in the following order: minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation phase error. |
Query |
Minimum Phase Error
Maximum Phase Error
Average Phase Error
Standard Deviation Phase Error
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:PERRor:ALL?" |
Function |
Queries the maximum phase error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: -180 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:PERRor:MAXimum?" |
Function |
Queries the minimum phase error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: -180 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:PERRor:MINimum?" |
Function |
Queries the standard deviation phase error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: -180 to 180 degrees, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.001 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:PERRor:SDEViation?" |
Function |
Queries the Average Magnitude Error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:MERRor:AVERage?" |
Function |
Queries the Magnitude Error results, which are returned in the following order: minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation magnitude error. |
Query |
Minimum Magnitude Error
Maximum Magnitude Error
Average Magnitude Error
Standard Deviation Magnitude Error
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:MERRor:ALL?" |
Function |
Queries the Maximum Magnitude Error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:MERRor:MAXimum?" |
Function |
Queries the Minimum Magnitude Error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:MERRor:MINimum?" |
Function |
Queries the Standard Deviation Magnitude Error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: 0 to 99%, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:MERRor:SDEViation?" |
Function |
Queries the Average Timing Error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: -99.99 to 99.99 chips, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 chips |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:TERRor:AVERage?" |
Function |
Queries the timing error results in the following order: Minimum, Maximum, Average, Std Deviation and Worst timing error. |
Query |
Minimum Timing Error
Maximum Timing Error
Average Timing Error
Standard Deviation Timing Error
Worst Timing Error
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:TERRor:ALL?" |
Function |
Queries the maximum timing error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: -99.99 to 99.99 chips, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 chips |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:TERRor:MAXimum?" |
Function |
Queries the minimum timing error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: -99.99 to 99.99 chips, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.01 chips |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:TERRor:MINimum?" |
Function |
Queries the Standard Deviation Timing Error when the Multi-Measurement Count State is ON. |
Query |
Range: -99.99 to 99.99 chips, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.001 chips |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:TERRor:SDEViation?" |
Function |
Queries the worst case timing error. (The test set returns either the Minimum or Maximum Timing Error result, whichever is furthest from zero). |
Query |
Range: -99.99 to 99.99 chips, 9.91 E+37 Resolution: 0.001 chips |
Requirements |
Test Application Revision: A.01.00 and above |
Programming Example |
"FETCh:TWQuality:TERRor:WORSt?" |