Last updated: 2014-11-28
The primary use of measurement timeouts is to regain control of the test set's GPIB in cases where the bus could potentially "hang."
The time normally required for a measurement to complete may vary greatly depending on the individual measurement, its settings, it's multiple measurement count value, and so forth. Because of this, you may need to set the timeout longer than the default for measurements where a large number of multiple measurements are requested or where measurement triggers may be infrequent.
Be careful when setting a timeout that is shorter than the default. It is possible to specify a timeout that is so short the measurement does not even have a chance to begin. Measurement timeouts should always be at least several seconds long.
Timeout units default to S (seconds). The seconds suffix is an optional part of the command. If you want MS (milliseconds), US (microseconds) or NS (nanoseconds), you must specify these units in the suffix.