Hardware Configuration Report

Hardware Configuration Report

Last updated: January 15, 2009


You can generate a list of the test set's hardware configuration over the LAN or GPIB.

The LAN query is the easiest and most direct way to query the test set's hardware configuration. This method uses your web browser to display a formatted report.

The GPIB query returns an unformatted character string that must be buffered and saved to an HTML file to provide formatted text.

LAN Query

  1. Refer to the SYSTEM CONFIG screen to determine the LAN address.
  2. Open a web browser and enter <LAN address>/iconfig. For example, if your LAN address is, you would enter:

  3. The web browser will then display formatted text. A partial list of the hardware configuration information is shown below:

GPIB Query

Use the following Basic example as a model to store the test set's configuration as an HTML file.

GPIB Example:

10    DIM Buf1$[20000],Buf2$[20000] ! This is the minimum space for the arrays
30    ENTER 714;Buf1$,Buf2$
40    CREATE "HW.htm",1              ! Create an HTML file
50    ASSIGN @File TO "HW.htm"  
60    OUTPUT @File;Buf1$,Buf2$
70    END

In the future, the hardware configuration report may increase in length. More space would then need to be allocated for the arrays.

Display the HTML file using a web browser or HTML text editor.

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Obtaining Identification Information (*IDN)