64-Bit VISA Architecture

This section contains information specific to the Windows product.

The following graphic shows the basic multiple 64-bit VISA Architecture. Note that only Keysight VISA and NI-VISA are shown; other 64-bit VISA implementations may be installed and will operate similarly. Compare this to the 32-bit VISA Architecture. Note that in the 64-bit implementation, there is:

  • No need to choose a primary VISA
  • No need to enable National Instruments Passport
  • Automatic conflict resolution between installed VISA implementations

The IVI VISA Conflict Manager is installed as part of IVI VISA Shared Components. This Conflict Manager is an industry standard used by all 64-bit VISA vendors, not a proprietary Keysight program. The settings are accessible under VISA Conflict Manager.



See Also

Keysight's 32-Bit Software Compatibility Architecture