Data Logging Settings

In the Trace Datalogging mode, the computer's clock controls measurement start/stop/interval, and readings are stored in a data log on the computer.

The data log file size depends on the sample size, selected traces, and data logging duration. Make sure your computer has sufficient disk space when performing data logging.

Start Data Logging

Immediately with Start Button - Start data logging when you click the "Start" button.

At Specific Time - Start data logging at a specific time and date. Enter the desired date in the form YYYY (year), MM (month), and DD (day). Enter the desired time in the form HH (hours), mm (minutes), and ss (seconds).

Logging Interval

Enter the desired interval between samples in the form DD (days), HH (hours), mm (minutes), ss (seconds), and ms (milliseconds). Select Minimum to select the shortest interval based on the instrument's current settings.

To log measurement data based on the oscilloscope trigger, set the trigger mode to "Normal" from the Instrument View Settings panel.

Stop Data Logging

Immediately with Stop Button - Terminate data logging when you click the "Stop" button.

After No. of Captures - Terminate data logging after the specified number of captures have occurred.

After Elapsed Time - Terminate data logging after the specified amount of time has elapsed. Enter the desired duration in the form DD (days), HH (hours), mm (minutes), and ss (seconds).

See Also

Load Offline Data Log