USB Portable License

A USB portable license offers a hardware-based license that is locked to a USB hardware key, sometimes referred to as a dongle (sold separately). You can physically move the software license from one host computer to another using the USB hardware key. When connected to a host computer, the USB key enables use of PathWave BenchVue applications on that computer. This type of license enables multiple users who are physically adjacent to one another to share licenses without being connected to a network. Each license is either perpetual (license does not expire) or subscription-based (license expires after a limited time).

  • You will need to install the software license file on each computer that will share the USB key.
  • You will need to install the PathWave BenchVue application on each computer that will share the USB key.
  • For USB portable licensing on PathWave BenchVue application, we support FLEXID-10 (blue) read-only hardware keys. The USB key is NOT included with the license and must be purchased separately.
  • In order to recognize the USB key, a FLEXID-10 USB driver is required on each computer that will share the USB key. The appropriate USB driver should have been installed as part of the PathWave BenchVue application installation. If the driver is missing or is corrupt, go to Keysight Licensing USB Driver to download the driver.

As part of the PathWave BenchVue application installation, the required version of the USB driver was installed on your computer. Note that newer versions of the USB driver may cause the PathWave license to stop working; therefore, do NOT download and install newer versions of the USB driver from the manufacturer's web site (Wibu-Systems). The only version of the WibuKey USB driver that is compatible with the PathWave license server is WibuKey version 6.30b; newer versions of this driver are NOT compatible.


To evaluate a PathWave BenchVue application before purchasing a license, free trial licenses are available. Trial licenses are node-locked, subscription-based licenses.
To request a free trial license, go to the Information and Technical Support menu ("?" icon in upper left corner of the application) and select "License Management". From the license management screen, click "Get Trial or Buy License" and then click "Request a free trial license".

Software Support Subscription

Each software license includes free software updates and support for the specific instrument application for the duration of your support subscription. A perpetual license includes software updates and support for the first year, after which support can be renewed annually for a fee. A subscription-based license includes software updates and support through the term of the license. The time-bound aspects of the perpetual license (license does not expire) and the subscription-based license (license expires after limited time) start at the time you add the software license to your Keysight Software Manager (KSM) profile.

Activate Your License

Once you have purchased your software license, you will receive a Software Entitlement Certificate from Keysight via e-mail. You will then redeem the entitlement certificate from within the PathWave BenchVue application and you will receive an e-mail with a software license (*.lic) file attached.

This section summarizes the process for redeeming and activating your license.

  1. Go to the Information and Technical Support menu ("?" icon in upper left corner of Oscilloscope application) and select "License Management". From the license management screen, click "Get Trial or Buy License" and then click "Purchase a license" to purchase a Software Entitlement Certificate for the Oscilloscope application. You can choose either paper or electronic delivery of your entitlement certificate.

    Note: Alternatively, you can also go to to purchase a Software Entitlement Certificate for the desired PathWave BenchVue applications.

  2. After you have received your entitlement certificate, note the Order Number and Certificate Number. You will need these numbers later in this procedure.

  3. Go to Keysight Software Manager (KSM) web site to redeem your license. You will need to provide the Order Number and Certificate Number from the entitlement certificate (see Step 2 above). In addition, you will need to provide the Host ID for your USB key – the Host ID (also the serial number) is printed directly on the USB key itself and has the form "10-0RESF13B" (see below).

    Note: If you are a first-time user of KSM, you will be required to complete a one-time registration on the web site.

  4. Your software license has now been redeemed. You will receive an e-mail from Keysight with a software license file (*.lic) attached. Save the license file to your local computer and make sure to note the location.

  5. Launch the PathWave License Manager (PLM) software application – if not already installed on your computer, go to to download the application.

    Note: If you are a first-time user of the License Manager application, you may be required to create a myKeysight account.

  6. From PLM, select the "Add a License File".

  7. Navigate to the location on your computer where you saved the license file that you received via e-mail. License files have a .lic file extension (for example, "PCSERNO_CC12345678_87654321.lic").

  8. Click "Add Now".

    Note:You will need to repeat steps 5 through 8 above to install the software license file on each computer that will share the USB key.

  9. Your license is now activated.

  10. Insert the USB (dongle) key into a USB port on your computer. Note that it may take some time before your computer detects the USB key.