Open Existing Orders

Opening a previously created order will access the following tasks:

There are two ways to open an existing order:

Open existing order on TME start up

Select Order Option dialog box

Open Recent Order.

If the order you wish to open is listed in the text box, select Open Recent Order.

  1. Highlight it as shown in example above.

  2. Click OK and the most recent order will open.

Find Order

If the order you wish to open is not listed in the text box:

  1. Select Find Order.

  2. Click OK and the Find Order dialog box will open.

  3. Click Cancel to return to TME without selecting an order.

Open order by selecting from the file menu.

In the file menu, select Open Order...

The Open Order dialog box will appear.

Order Number—If the order number to be opened is known, it may be typed into the Order Number field at the top of the dialog box. Click on the Open button to open the order.

Recent Orders—If the Order you wish to open is listed as one of the last five recent Orders, select it and click on the Open button to open the order.

If the order number to be opened is not known and does not appear in the list of recently opened orders, it will have to be found using the Find Order option.