N7842A Test Equipment Overview

This section lists the test equipment needed to run performance tests. Models for each test equipment category are given in order of preference. Alternate models are also listed but should be considered a lower priority. Model numbers are Keysight, Agilent, or HP unless otherwise specified. Refer to each individual test for specific setup configurations with required cables and adapters.

Click on the link below for the required test equipment for your ENA model:

Calibration Data Validation

Standard Checks

To ensure data integrity for measurements carried out with TME (Test Management Environment), the following verification checks are carried out at the beginning of each test run. The checks are only performed on devices that require calibration data which directly affect the test results.

The following table lists the standard checks performed by default:

Failure to comply with the CalFactor(%) or Atten(dB) will result in test data being labeled Invalid in both the TME interface and in any report format produced from the data.


Device Parameter Name and Description Limits A Failure

Power Sensor

The calibration factor, as a percentage

Must be ≥ 10% and ≤ 150% at all points
Must not be 100% (the default) at all points

All test runs

The uncertainty of the calibration factor, as a percentage

Must be > 0 and ≤ 10% at all points

Test runs guard banded by measurement uncertainty only

The magnitude of the reflection coefficient

Must be > 0 and < 0.5
at all points

Test runs guard banded by measurement uncertainty only

Power Sensor
(Wide Band)

The calibration factor, as a percentage, for the low band

Same tests as for CalFactor(%) on a one-range power sensor

All test runs

The calibration factor, as a percentage, for the high band

Same tests as for LowBandCalFactor(%)

All test runs

The uncertainty of the calibration factor, as a percentage, for the low band

Same tests as for Uncertainty(%) on a one-range power sensor

Test runs guard banded by measurement uncertainty only

The uncertainty of the calibration factor, as a percentage, for the high band

Same tests as for LowBandUncertainty(%)

Test runs guard banded by measurement uncertainty only

The magnitude of the reflection coefficient

Same tests as for ReflectCoeff(Mag) on a one-range power sensor

Test runs guard banded by measurement uncertainty only

Step Attenuator

The frequency, in Hz

Must be calibrated at 1 MHz for all steps

All test runs

The attenuation, in dB

Must be within 1 dB of the nominal attenuation.
Must not all be exactly equal to the nominal attenuation (the default) at all points except zero, zero step is the reference and must be zero

All test runs

The uncertainty of the attenuation, in dB

Must be > 0 and ≤ 0.1 dB at all points except zero, zero step is the reference and must be zero

Test runs guard banded by measurement uncertainty only

The reflection coefficient magnitude

Must be > 0 and < 0.5 at all points

Test runs guard banded by measurement uncertainty only