Crosstalk and System Dynamic Range

This topic page applies to the E5071C and E5072A using the Normal or Factory Recommended Variant test plans.

Two Channels are required in order to run the Crosstalk and System Dynamic Range test. If only one channel is allocated, then the first connection check will fail even when properly connected, and the test will not run correctly.

This test checks the crosstalk between test ports of the ENA, and the system dynamic range for the receiver ports of the ENA. The crosstalk is tested by performing the "through measurements" with two test ports connected together, and the short-ended "isolation measurements” with the test ports terminated with "Short" devices. A "through" calibration is performed to have the “through measurements” data as the reference to which the “isolation measurements” data is compared. With segment sweep points for a specified frequency range, a swept measurement with the short-ended test ports is repeated 16 times and the measurement data is averaged. The worst crosstalk value is determined from the peak value of the average data.

For crosstalk, average 16 times what is measured through minimum IFBW, and take the effect for noise away as much as possible. For dynamic range, deduct for crosstalk value and calculate noise value. To measure through worst case, connect the short termination to the port.

The short-ended isolation measurement is all that is needed to compute the crosstalk. The through needed for System Dynamic Range will not be measured during the Crosstalk measurement.

The system dynamic range is tested by performing an "Isolation" measurement 16 times with segment sweep points for specified frequency ranges (after the response and isolation calibrations are performed) and calculating the RMS deviation value from the 16 measurement data for each sweep frequency point. The maximum RMS deviation value in each frequency range is extracted to determine the system dynamic range performance.

This test will utilize the “Isolation” measurement deduced from crosstalk, but will not measure “through” measurement in order to shorten testing time. The “through” measurement will be included in the measurement uncertainty analysis (major contributor is transmission tracking).

Required Test Equipment

Test Equipment

Recommended Model Number2

Short, Type-N (m)

  • E5071C > 8.5 GHz
  • 2 or 4 required3


Short, 3.5 mm (m)

  • E5071C ≤ 8.5 GHz
  • E5072A
  • 2 or 4 required3


  1. The DSG (Device Substitution Group) is listed below the equipment description, if applicable. These devices are required to be mapped in TME to execute a test. DSGs require either GPIB communication or are important for dynamic measurement uncertainty calculations. N/A refers to required equipment that is not mapped as DSGs in TME.
  2. Refer to the main Required Test Equipment for a list of alternative models.
  3. Two required for 2-port ENAs; four required for 4-port ENAs.

Connection Setups

  • Due to the complexity of the ENA family of analyzers, only a single representative model will be shown.
  • Some images may not apply to all models.

2-Port Crosstalk


4-Port Crosstalk