Dynamic Accuracy

This topic page applies to all supported ENA models using the Factory Recommended test plan.

This test checks the dynamic accuracy of the ENA using a two-tone method with a function generator to test the high frequency path (99.6 MHz) and the low frequency path (1 MHz).

Required Test Equipment

Test Equipment

Recommended Model Number2

Function generator
(FunctionGenerator 1)


Power splitter
(PowerSplitter MW 1)


Attenuator, fixed, 10 dB

  • 2 required

8493C Option 010

  1. The DSG (Device Substitution Group) is listed below the equipment description, if applicable. These devices are required to be mapped in TME to execute a test. DSGs require either GPIB communication or are important for dynamic measurement uncertainty calculations. N/A refers to required equipment that is not mapped as DSGs in TME.
  2. Refer to the main Required Test Equipment for a list of alternative models.
  3. Alternate models are not allowed for this test.

Connection Setups

  • For the two cables between the power splitter and attenuators, choose short but flexible cables. For best results, the cable between the attenuator on channel 1 of the function generator and power splitter should be of longer length than the cable from the attenuator on channel 2.
  • Due to the complexity of the ENA family of analyzers, only a single representative model will be shown.
  • If a test procedure applies to multiple ports, illustrations may show the setup on only one test port.