Automatic - Result Length (802.16 OFDM)

Default: See 802.16 OFDM Standard Setups/Presets Table.

When Automatic (Default) in Result Length is selected, the VSA automatically determines the measurement result length. The Result Length is determined by comparing the input signals symbol-time length to the Max Result Length and using the smaller value

See Result Length Parameters for more information about how the VSA determines the measurement result length in Automatic, From FCH and Manual modes.

The following figures illustrate how the VSA determines the measurement result length in Automatic mode when the Max Result Length is greater than (Fig. 1) and less than (Fig. 2) the symbol-times detected within the burst.

Figure I: Max Result Length is greater-than the burst length: The measurement result length will default to the number of symbol-times detected within the burst.


Figure 2: Max Result Length is less-than or equal to the burst length: The measurement result length is set to the Max Result Length.


See Also

Result Length Parameters (802.16 OFDM)

Measurement Interval and Offset (802.16 OFDM)

Time Tab (IEEE 802.16 OFDM Demod Properties)