IQ Branch (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)

Default: I (See cdma2000/1xEV-DV Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

The I and Q check boxes toggles the selection of the I/Q branch channels between "I" and "Q". The cdma2000/1xEV-DV reverse link "I" and "Q" branches of each Walsh code channel are logically separate channels. The I and Q selection determines which bits (the "I" bits or the "Q" bits) are displayed in the Channel Syms/Errs data results.

This selection is available only for Reverse link only.

Use the Marker menu, Copy Mkr to Despread Chan feature, to automatically enter the Walsh Code Length, Walsh Code Number and IQ Branch settings to match the display marker values.

See Also

Channel/Layer tab (cdma2000/1xEV-DV Demod Properties)

cdma2000/1xEV-DV Demod Properties Dialog Box