Despread Channel Walsh Code Length (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)

Default: 64 Fwd, 32 Rev (See cdma2000/1xEV-DV Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

Range: 4 to 128 (Forward link) and 2 to 32 (Reverse link)

Despread Channel Walsh Code Length specifies the Despread Channel Walsh Code Length. The Despread Channel Walsh Code Length is used (along with the Despread Channel Walsh Code Number) to specify the channel used for the Chan Error Vector, Chan IQ Meas Time, Chan IQ Ref TimeChan Mag Error, Chan Phase Error and Chan Syms/Errs measurement results. See About Chan Trace Data.

The text box shows the Walsh Code Length (Symbol Rate).

Selecting a Despread Channel Walsh Code Length

The text box provides a list of available cdma2000 compliant Walsh Code Length that you can select from. To set the Despread Channel Walsh Code Length, click the text box down arrow and then click the desired Walsh Code Length.

You can use the Markers > Copy Mkr to Despread Chan feature to automatically copy the Composite CDP/CDE trace marker values to the Despread-Channel Walsh Code Length, Walsh Code Number and IQ Branch settings.

Chip Rate, Symbol Rates, and Walsh Code Lengths

The chip rate determines the symbol rate for each Walsh Code Length, see Chip Rate, Symbol Rate and Walsh Code Table) for more information.

See Also

About Chan Trace Data

Channel/Layer tab (cdma2000/1xEV-DV Demod Properties)

cdma2000/1xEV-DV Demod Properties Dialog Box