Comp Error Vector Spec (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)

When cdma2000/1xEV-DV demodulation is enabled, the Comp Error Vector Spec trace shows the frequency spectrum of the Composite Error Vector Time trace data. In other words, the VSA derives the composite Error Vector Time trace data and then windows and FFTs the data to produce the composite Error Vector Spectrum trace.

The trace data is computed from the first PCG in the measurement and the Measurement Interval and Measurement Offset parameter settings are ignored (see Measurement Interval and Offset).

Marker Frequency Correction

The VSA's demodulator removes carrier-frequency error. Therefore, in the composite error vector spectrum display, add the carrier-frequency error to marker readouts to obtain exact frequency information. The carrier-frequency error (Freq Err) is shown in the Composite Error Summary (Freq Err) Table.

See Also

Channel 1 Comp Trace Data

About Trace Data (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)