Location (Flex Frame)

Location contains parameters that specify the size and location of each allocation within the frame.

Start Symbol sets the beginning of this allocation as an offset from the first symbol in the frame.

Default: 0

Range: 0 - ??

Last Symbol - There are various ways to define the last symbol in the allocation:

Symbol Index sets the end symbol index for this allocation. This is an alternative to setting Total Length.

Default: 0

Range: 0 - ??

Total Length sets the total length of this allocation in number of symbols. This is an alternative to setting Symbol Index.

The total number of symbols in the region is specified by Start Symbol and Total Length. The active symbol indexes are determined by Repeat Pattern, Active Symbols, and RepetitionInterval.

Default: 1 symbol

End of Frame sets whether this allocation ends at the end of the frame.

Default: Selected

Range: Selected, Cleared

Repeat Pattern enables or disables the use of a custom repeating pattern to indicate the symbols that belong to this allocation.

Start Symbol and Total Length determine which symbols possibly belong to this allocation. When Repeat Pattern = false, all possible symbols belong to this allocation. When Repeat Pattern = true, Active Symbols and Repeat Every determine the symbols that belong to this allocation.


Start Symbol = 2
Total Length = 8
Repeat Pattern = Selected
Active Symbols = [1,2]
Repeat Every = 4

The resulting allocated symbols (offsets from frame start) would be [3,4,7,8]. If Repeat Pattern were set to false, the allocated symbols would be [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].

Default: Cleared

Range: Selected, Cleared

Repetition Parameters - When Repeat Pattern is selected, the Repetition Parameters are used to determine the symbols used in the allocation.

Active Symbols sets the active symbol index(es) for this allocation when Repeat Pattern is enabled.

Default: 0

Repeat Every sets the repetition interval of the active symbols when Repeat Pattern is enabled.

Default: 1 symbol

See Also

Measurement Control Tab