Trace Window

Menu Path: Window > Create New Trace Window

The Trace Window provides extra flexibility for organizing measurement traces. The Trace Window is a regular application window with menus and toolbars, similar to the main VSA application window, except that the Trace Window contains a subset of the menu items available in the VSA application window.

You can create a Trace Window by dragging a single trace off the main window and releasing the mouse cursor. The trace will be placed into a new Trace Window.

Functionality available

The functionality available from the menus and toolbars of the Trace Window include all operations that are specific to traces (markers, spectrograms, adding/deleting traces, scaling, etc.) as well as some limited measuremement control (restart, pause, set selected measurement).

Using the Trace Window

The following is a screenshot of the main VSA window (left) and a Trace Window. In this example, the main window contains graphical traces and the Trace Window contains summary and symbol table traces.

Another usage for multiple trace windows is to separate the traces for each measurement, one per trace window. You can configure the VSA to automatically place the traces for a newly created measurement into a new Trace Window by selecting the Create separate window per measurement option.

The Trace Window is also helpful if you just want to have extra room for organizing traces on your second monitor.

You can collect all the traces for a measurement by clicking Window > Collect Traces > (measurement name).

See Also

VSA Application Window Illustration

About the User Interface