Timestamp Source (Input)

Menu Path:Input > Capture

Timestamps are added to the trace headers and recording files in VSA where the timestamp represents the absolute time of the T=0 point (often the trigger location) of the time domain data. The timestamp is in GPS Global Positioning System:L A worldwide radio-navigation system that was developed by the US. Department of Defense. In addition to military purposes it is widely used in marine and terrestrial navigation (for example car navigation systems). time and has a resolution (not accuracy) down to 1 attosecond. GPS time is a continuous time scale standard with time "0" being midnight January 6, 1980 UTC. The first point in the data can be known in time relative to this timestamp by using the XStart value which is a duration in seconds relative to the timestamp.

When recalling a recording and for playback the source of the timestamp will always be gotten from the file that was recalled.

When exporting recordings, VSA runs some filtering, resampling and corrections, and the XStart value will be adjusted to account for that during the file export operation.

Timestamp Source lets you select where you want the timestamp information to come from and provides feedback about where it actually comes from and why they may not be the same.

The following Timestamp Source choices are available for live measurements or when making a recording:

See Also

About Digital Input Properties