Tool Name (Digital Input)

The Tool Name selects the Logic Analyzer software Tool for the chosen input module.

In the Logic Analyzer configuration, hardware modules can be connected to software Tools that further transform the data. The 89600 VSA software can analyze data from selected Logic Analyzer software Tools. Currently the only supported Tool is the "Signal Extractor" tool (Logic Analyzer application version 3.50 and later). The Signal Extractor provides flexible de-serialization of serial data or serialization of several parallel buses into one bus.

When a Module Name is selected, the Tool Name drop down is updated with a list of the Tools available at the output of the selected module. To assign a Tool to a channel, select the Digial Channel and then select the Tool Name. Any Tool can be assigned any channel or “None“ can be selected to analyze data directly from the module. The default selection is “None” and the Tool Name is set to the default whenever the Module Name is changed.

When the Tool Name changes for a channel, the Bus Name property is updated to the currently available bus names.

The VSA will only use Tools that receive input from hardware modules and not Tools connected to other Tools.


See Also

About Digital Input Properties