DC Offset (User Correction, Playback User Correction)

Menu Path: Input > User Correction

Input > Playback User Correction

 Default: 0 V

The VSA mathematically applies the specified DC Offset to the input signal. For example, to remove a 100 mV DC offset from the input signal, specify a DC offset of -100 mV.

With DC coupling, the input range must still be adjusted to handle both the AC and DC components of the signal.

DC coupling is recommended when Input Channels is set to I + jQ. This feature removes DC offsets so DC coupling can be used (instead of AC coupling) on signals that contain a DC offset.

The DCOffset specified is applied only when calibration is enabled and time data is baseband or the Input Channel is I + jQ.

In I+jQ mode, changing the center frequency from 0 Hz (or from the RF Center Frequency if Frequency Converter is selected) may disable the DC offset calibration. DC offset is generally available in the widest spans.

See Also


About User Correction

About Playback User Correction