Freq Err (MB-OFDM)

Menu Path: Trace > Data > Composite > Errs

Freq Err (Frequency Error) displays the error between the carrier frequency, relative to the VSA's center frequency. This parameter is displayed in Hertz and is the amount of frequency shift from the VSA's center frequency that the VSA must perform to achieve carrier lock.

The frequency error reported in the summary table is the value from the final frequency estimation based on the channel estimation sequence, with a fine adjustment made for any frequency error detected in the pilot tracking. The pilot tracking does not correct the signal for frequency errors, it only corrects the demodulated symbols for phase (and amplitude, if enabled).

Errors in RF Radio Frequency: A generic term for radio-based technologies, operating between the Low Frequency range (30k Hz) and the Extra High Frequency range (300 GHz). frequency, LO frequency, or digitizer clock rate could all appear as carrier frequency error.

See Also

Error Summary Table (MB-OFDM)

Available Error Summary Data (MB-OFDM)

Available Band Errors Summary Data (MB-OFDM)