Use Case: Sequenced Measurements
When you want to perform measurements with different parameters (modulation format, center frequency) and measurement requirements are such that the measurements cannot be run concurrently, you can create multiple measurements and sequence them with a macro (Sequenced Acquisition).
Some of the reasons why you may want to choose sequenced multiple measurements:
Total bandwidth of measurement center frequencies lie outside analysis bandwidth of a single instrument (and you only have one instrument)
One measurement requires many measurement sweeps (but short time capture) and another measurement requires a long time capture. Running concurrently, you would need to perform many long time captures to complete both measurements.
Sequencing between multiple measurements in a test scenario is faster than changing parameters of a single measurement for each test
- Switching speed – automatic sequencing of input data acquisitions is faster than changing measurement type or running multiple instances of the VSA and arbitrating hardware since multiple measurements in a single instance of the VSA are all loaded into memory and ready to run and inter-process communication for hardware arbitration is not needed.
Independent settings - each measurement can have a different center frequency, span, measurement type, etc. but use the same hardware.
Side-by-side results - you can simultaneously view the traces for each measurement.
See Also