MIMO Condition Number (5G NR/5G-Advanced)

There are two types of traces in the Trace > Data > Demod and MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output: A physical layer (PHY) configuration in which both transmitter and receiver use multiple antennas. menus that display component carrier data: CCn (component carrier is fixed), and Selected Display CC (component carrier is dynamically selected using the Display parameter). See About Per-Carrier Trace Types for more information.

MIMO Condition Number is only available for multiple channel measurements.

This result is a vector containing the "condition number" of the equalizer channel frequency response matrices, one condition number value per subcarrier, user-defined number of RBs, or wideband, as selected by the Control parameter in the Advanced tab. Condition number is a standard measure of how ill-conditioned a matrix is.

Condition number is defined as the ratio of the maximum singular value to the minimum singular value of a matrix. The value is always real and always greater than or equal to one. Larger values indicate a more ill-conditioned matrix. If the condition number is larger than the SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the signal, it is likely that MIMO separation of the multiple data streams will not work correctly.

This result is computed only when there are multiple data streams present.

When there is only one input channel or when the input channels contain only one data stream, the trace is blanked and a "NO DATA" trace indicator is shown.

See Also

Available Trace Data