MIMO Eq Ch Freq Resp (5G NR/5G-Advanced)

There are two types of traces in the Trace > Data > Demod and MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output: A physical layer (PHY) configuration in which both transmitter and receiver use multiple antennas. menus that display component carrier data: CCn (component carrier is fixed), and Selected Display CC (component carrier is dynamically selected using the Display parameter). See About Per-Carrier Trace Types for more information.

MIMO Eq Ch Freq Resp shows the channel frequency response for all active paths. A path is detected as active if its power is higher than the reference path power – MIMO detection power threshold. In MIMO Eq Ch Freq Resp, the power and phase of each path is normalized with the power and phase on the reference path.

MIMO Eq Channel Frequency Response is optimized using the Equalizer Training settings. See the non-MIMO Eq Ch Freq Resp trace topic for more info about channel frequency response.

When Per Slot Channel Frequency Response is selected, the results are presented as per-slot overlaid results. Markers can be used to associate a particular point on the trace with a specific slot and subcarrier. When Per Slot Channel Frequency Response is cleared, all slots are combined in a single channel frequency response calculation.

When more than one carrier is defined in the Aggregation Table, "(CCn)" will appear in the title of this trace, where "n" is the number of the component carrier whose data is displayed in the trace. Select the desired component carrier number using the Configuration > Carriers > Display parameter.

See Also

Eq Chan Freq Resp

Available Trace Data