Input Extensions (Logic Analyzer)

Menu Path:Input > Extensions

This topic describes the Hardware configuration parameters that are unique to Keysight 89600 VSA software with Keysight Logic Analyzer measurement hardware.

The Logic Analyzer hardware configuration parameters are listed in the Input Extensions dialog box. To access the hardware configuration parameters, click Input > Extensions. The Logical Instrument must be specified first and then the parameter can be set for that Logic Analyzer.

Logic Analyzer Hardware Configuration Parameter







Multi-Measurements: When using a Logic Analyzer in a multi-measurement, set the hardware extensions LiveDataMode parameter to Block (Input > Extensions tab).


The LiveDataMode parameter controls how often the 89600 VSA commands the Logic Analyzer application to run (in order to get new measurement data). It only applies to online measurements. If the Logic Analyzer application is offline, the behavior is identical to Continuous mode, except that no run command is ever issued.

Use Block Mode if you want to make triggered measurements with the VSA.

If the 89600 VSA Data Mode is Continuous, the VSA commands the Logic Analyzer to run a single measurement, then takes the data needed for one VSA measurement from the Logic Analyzer buffer. If there is sufficient unused data in the buffer, then the VSA takes data for succeeding measurements by moving through the Logic Analyzer buffer, until the data is exhausted.

For example, if you choose an acquisition depth of 16K points on the Logic Analyzer, and the VSA is set up to require a time record length of 372 points, then the VSA will use samples 0 - 371 from the Logic Analyzer buffer and process them. The next VSA measurement will use samples 372 – 743, and so on until 43 time records have been processed. Then the VSA commands the Logic Analyzer to run another measurement and continues from the start of the new data. (If overlap processing is enabled, even more records will be processed before another "run" command. See Overlap Processing in the VSA on-line help.)

If the 89600 VSA Data Mode is Block, the VSA commands the Logic Analyzer to run before every VSA measurement. If the 89600 VSA is set to block mode with a free run trigger, you should avoid setting the acquisition depth much larger than you need for a measurement because it slows down the measurement. If the 89600 VSA is set to block mode with an external trigger, the correct acquisition depth selection depends on the Logic Analyzer Trigger Position and the amount of pre- or post-trigger delay and the time record length set on the 89600 VSA.

See Also

For supported 1680, 1690, 16800, and 16900 series configurations with the 89600 VSA software, see the Configuring Logic Analyzers chapter in the 89600 VSA Software Installation Guide.