Remote PC Operation (Keysight FieldFox Analyzers)

In the Remote PC operating configuration, the 89600 VSA software is run on a standalone PC linked to an Keysight FieldFox analyzer via an external LAN Local Area Network: A communications network that serves users within a local geographical area, typically over distances of around 100m. Wireless LANs use wireless communicaitons to network devices so there is no need for data cabling. interface.  The Keysight FieldFox analyzer is the measurement hardware platform supplying measured time data to the 89600 VSA software. The 89600 VSA software controls the operation of the FieldFox analyzer and receives input data through the external interface. This topic provides installation and setup information required to use the 89600 VSA link with the FieldFox analyzer.

Installation and Configuration Procedure

Connect the PC to the Keysight FieldFox analyzer via the LAN interface, install the 89600 software, and configure the IO interface. For detailed configuration instructions, see Chapter 1 in the Software Installation Guide.

The Remote PC Operation configuration only supports a point-to-point LAN or network LAN connection.  

After installing the 89600 VSA software, activate the trial license. The trial license enables use of the software temporarily until a permanent license is acquired.

Running the 89600 VSA application

After completing the installation and configuration procedure, start the 89600 VSA software; click Start > Keysight 89600 Software <ReleaseVersion> > Keysight 89600 VSA <ReleaseVersion>.

To learn how to make a Single Channel Measurement, see Making Single Channel Measurements.

See Also

Making a Single Channel Measurement

About the X-Series Signal Analyzers