Remote PC Operation (Keysight X-Series Analyzers)

In the Remote PC operating configuration, the 89600 VSA software is run on a standalone PC linked to an Keysight X-Series Analyzer via an external interface (LAN Local Area Network: A communications network that serves users within a local geographical area, typically over distances of around 100m. Wireless LANs use wireless communicaitons to network devices so there is no need for data cabling., GPIB, etc.).  The Keysight X-Series Analyzer is the measurement hardware platform supplying measured time data to the 89600 VSA software. The 89600 VSA software controls the operation of the X-series analyzer and receives input data through the external interface. This topic provides installation and setup information required to use the 89600 VSA link with the X-Series Signal Analyzer.

Installation and Configuration Procedure

Connect the PC to the Keysight X-Series Signal Analyzer via the LAN interface, install the 89600 software, and configure the IO interface. For detailed configuration instructions, see Chapter 1 in the Software Installation Guide.

The Remote PC Operation configuration only supports a point-to-point LAN or network LAN connection.  

After installing the 89600 VSA software, activate the trial license. The trial license enables use of the software temporarily until a permanent license is acquired.

Running the 89600 VSA application

After completing the installation and configuration procedure, start the 89600 VSA software; click Start > Keysight 89600 Software <ReleaseVersion> > Keysight 89600 VSA <ReleaseVersion>.

To learn how to make a Single Channel Measurement, see Making Single Channel Measurements.

Front Panel Control

The 89600 VSA locks-out manual control of the front-panel while it is running. To get manual control of the front-panel, disconnect the 89600 VSA measurement; select Control > Disconnect. Disconnect will pause the measurement and release control of the X-series analyzer. Now the X-series analyzer can be used independent from 89600 VSA. When the 89600 VSA measurement is resumed, the analyzer setup is restored to the pre-disconnect state.

See Also

Making a Single Channel Measurement

About the X-Series Signal Analyzers