Input Extensions (M9410A/M9411A)

Table of M9410A/M9411A Hardware Configuration Parameters







Capture Bit Packing

Auto, 32 Bits per Point, 64 Bits per Point


External Trigger Location

Trigger 1 In, Trigger 2 In

Trigger 1 In

Phase Noise Optimization

Best Close In, Fast Tuning

Best Close In

RF Input Port

Half Duplex, RF Radio Frequency: A generic term for radio-based technologies, operating between the Low Frequency range (30k Hz) and the Extra High Frequency range (300 GHz). In


Parameters Influenced by the Measurement Type



IF Offset Freq Auto

Off, On


IF Offset Manual Freq (Avoid Spur)

±(MaxSignalPathBandwidth - Current Span)/2


Influence Criteria

Normal, Spectral Quality


Influence Criteria Auto

Off, On



Capture Bit Packing

The Capture Bit Packing parameter specifies the resolution of the recorded measurement data. The Capture Bit Packing setting affects the available maximum capture time.

For measurement spans greater than 40 MHz, 32 bit packing is sufficient because at these bandwidths the input noise of the ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter will dominate the measurement results. However, for narrower spans the processing gain will drive down the noise floor so that the dominating factor will be the quantization noise introduced by 32 bit packing. In this case, 64 bit packing can be used to provide a lower noise floor for input signals.

However, when the dominating factor is the noise on the input signal or when a lower noise floor is not needed, bit packing can be switched to 32 bits/data point to enable longer recording times.

External Trigger Location

The Trig 1 and Trig 1 connectors are configurable to be used as either trigger out or trigger in on the M9410A/M9411A. Therefore, the choice of this parameter should be done so as to not conflict with the Input > Trigger > Trigger Out parameter. If there is a conflict, Trigger Out will be disabled and this parameter will take precedence.

Phase Noise Optimization

The RF Input Port values that are user-changeable are as follows:

RF Input Port

The RF Input Port values that are user-changeable are as follows:

Parameters Influenced by the Measurement Type

IF Offset Freq Auto

Select whether IF Offset should be automatically controlled.

The actual IF Offset Freq used internally will not be updated in the IF Offset Manual Freq property when Auto is On.

When IF Offset Freq Auto is On, no indication is given in the VSA software about whether actual spur dodging is occurring or not.

IF Offset Manual Freq (Avoid Spur)

Select an IF offset (in hertz) to use when IF Offset Freq Auto is set to Manual. This allows the user to set a specific offset for the IF in Hertz which will then be compensated for by a corresponding offset in the reverse direction after the digitizer so that the requested center frequency is still at the center. This can be useful for moving the position of spurs and images relative to the desired center frequency. See About IF Offset Freq and Spur Avoidance for more information.

The limits for this value are +/- ((max span - current span) / 2). The parameter priority is Center, Span, and then IF Offset Freq, so the IF Offset Freq will be coerced if needed as the span is changed. If the user changes IF Offset Freq while IF Offset Freq Auto is On, it will internally force IF Offset Freq Auto to Off. A positive value shifts the spur to the right in the spectrum display and a negative value shifts it to the left. The IF Offset Freq is coerced to 0 if the IF Path Auto property is set to On (even though it may internally choose to use a non-zero value). This parameter is for the manually entered value and does not reflect what the auto-chosen value might be when Auto is on.

Influence Criteria

Select the criteria for how to influence other parameters that are part of the 'Parameters Influenced by the Measurement Type' category. This influences what the IF Offset behavior will be when IF Offset Freq Auto is set to Auto.

Influence Criteria Auto

Select whether the influence criteria is automatically determined based upon the current type of measurement.


To change an M9410A/M9411A input extension, follow these steps:

  1. Be sure that the M9410A/M9411A is selected as the Current Analyzer Configuration
  2. Click Input > Extensions
  3. Select an available input extension and make a selection from the drop-down menu.

Other parameters may be visible, but only the parameters described in this topic are changeable through the VSA Input Extensions interface.

Click Preset All to preset all input extension parameters across all logical instruments and channels.

See Also

About Keysight M9410A/M9411A