Deinterleaving (Pulse)

Menu Path: MeasSetup > Pulse Properties > Analysis Tab > Deinterleaving Panel

The Analysis tab's Deinterleaving panel lets you search for patterns in a signal's existing pulses.


The patterns (e.g., emitters) are based on a combination of Frequency, Amplitude, and Modulation Type criteria. The corresponding pulses in the Pulse Table and Meas Time traces will change color to match to the emitter. The 32 available emitters are arbitrary placeholders used to help categorize the pulses within a signal. While the most common use case is to filter by a single metric (e.g., Modulation type), you can filter by more than one metric per emitter.

The default color scheme uses a rotating pattern of eight colors; however, you can customize the emitter color scheme by editing the Emitter 1 - Emitter 32 elements under the Display Preferences > Color tab.

See Also

See "Pulse Modulation (Pulse)"