
Menu Path: Trace -> Data -> Result Tables

The Summary table displays the following metrics for the current acquisition:

When averaging is turned on, the reported metrics are averaged.


Pulses reports the number of valid pulses detected within user specified Acquisition Length (s) time interval up to the user specified Maximum Pulse Count value.

Valid pulses will depend on which measured pulses meet the user specified valid Pulse Detection criteria as determined by the following properties:

Avg Power

Avg Power reports the average power in dBm measured over the entire Acquisition Length (sec).

Peak Power

Peak Power reports the peak power in dBm measured over the entire Acquisition Length (sec).

Detection Thresh

Detection Threshold reports the currently used absolute Pulse Detection Threshold (dBm) level determined by the following user specified properties:

The Pulse Detection Threshold (dBm) level is used to detect which measured pulse signal amplitude rising edge level transitions will be considered as valid pulse-on transitions for inclusion within pulse analysis results.

The measured signal will only be considered to contain a valid pulse-off transition if the amplitude subsequently decreases below the Pulse Detection Threshold (dBm) – Hysteresis (dB) offset level.

Top Level

Top Level reports the measured 100% Top Level in dBm measured over the entire Acquisition Length (sec).

Detailed definition of supported Top Level measurement methods can be found under the Top/Base Calculation Method property descriptions.

Base Level

Base Level reports the measured 0% Base Level in dBm measured over the entire Acquisition Length (sec).

Detailed definition of supported Base Level measurement methods can be found under the Top/Base Calculation Method property descriptions.


Top/Base reports the dB ratio value of Top Level over Base Level measured over the entire Acquisition Length (sec). (i.e. equates to Top Level (dBm) - Base Level (dBm))

Detailed definition of supported Top Level and Base Level measurement methods can be found under the Top/Base Calculation Method property descriptions.

Time Offset

Time Offset reports the time offset in value in seconds, from acquisition trigger event occurrence to the start of first valid detected pulse within Acquisition Length (sec) (i.e. where first valid detected LFM region is reported as Pulse 1 within Pulse Table).


See Also

Levels Metrics

Threshold (Pulse Detection)