Saving and Recalling Traces
Sharing Data With Other Applications

When you save a trace, the 89600 VSA actually saves the underlying measurement data for the trace you are saving. This may include more data than is actually shown in the trace.

You can choose whether or not to save the Data Header with the trace. When you want to save a trace and recall it again with the same appearance, you must save it with the data header.

When you recall a trace, the trace data is placed into a data register. You will also have the option of immediately displaying the recalled trace in the current trace window.

You can save traces from the VSA and recall them back into the VSA or open the data in other programs. The 89600 VSA can also recall traces that were saved from other programs.

Supported File Formats

For information about supported file formats see Supported File Formats.

If you are saving traces and will be recalling them back into the 89600 VSA software as a trace, do not use the N5110 Waveform format. The MATLAB format is the most compact.

You can recall an HDF5 file created by any application. A non-MATLAB HDF5 file needs to be recalled as an HDF5 file.

If you are saving or recalling traces to or from another program or application, you must use the format that is compatible with that program or application.

When recalling a file, if you do not specify a format (All Files (*.*) is selected in the Open dialog), the VSA will try to match the file name’s extension to the known extension list for all of the file formats. If no unique match is found, then the file contents are examined to determine the correct file format (this takes longer).

You cannot recall E3238S snapshot files, or N5110 Waveform files into a trace. You must recall the files as a recording.

Segmented Time Traces

You can save non-segmented time traces and recall them as recordings. However, with segmented time traces, you cannot save and recall them as recordings.

See Also

Sharing Data

Copying and Pasting Traces

Using Data Registers