CSV (Comma delimited)
Sharing Data With Other Applications

You can save 89600 VSA traces as a comma-separated variable (CSV) ASCII format and open the file in a program that supports CSV files. Then you can use that program to perform statistical analyses or to format results for inclusion in reports and presentations.

If data is opened and then saved in Excel, the data results will be truncated to two digits and resolution will be lost. To maintain maximum resolution, change the cell format to save more digits. In Excel, click Format > Cells > Number, select Scientific for the Category and specify 14 decimal places.

The data is saved as an array. For real data, the data appears as a single column. For complex data, the data appears as two columns, with the real part in the first column and the imaginary part in the second column. The number of rows depends on the number of frequency points in the measured data.

If you save the data header with the trace, it appears above the data, with the variable name in the first column and its value in the second column.

The list separator (or delimiter) in the .CSV file depends on your computer's setting in the Regional Settings in the Windows Control Panel. In the U.S., for example, the default is a comma, while in Europe the default is a tab. If you are going to transport this file to computer with a different Regional Setting, then do not use the CSV format (use Text file format instead).

See Also

Supported File Formats